Offshore wind energy is another problem, not the solution

January 27, 2025

Offshore wind energy protest in Morro Bay


Okay folks, after over two years of listening to virtue signaling NGO’s, climate apocalypse shaming hipsters, politically driven energy opportunists and just plain ignorant-of-the-facts state and local political dignitaries, I’ve just about had it up to here!

I’m sick of digging myself out of the political mire on both sides and witnessing the shameful justification of a toxic and destructive technology in the pursuit of ample energy for humanity at all costs, and in the name of averting a climate change “catastrophe” and slowing global warming. When are folks gonna wake up to the fact that they are being played in their concerns, are being manipulated by fear and ignorance, and are being bought and paid for by an industry that is primarily owned by corporate giants who really don’t give a rats ass about the negative effects of their industry, and are in it solely for profit at the earth and its inhabitants’ expense.

I have been an environmental activist for decades, fighting for the ocean that I love and her inhabitants. I have risked my life doing so and will gladly do so again to save just one whale, just one innocent creature in the oceans from needless death and suffering.

I have researched the oceans and the impacts of various aspects of ocean industrialization for decades and in so doing have justifiably come to the conclusion that the industry of offshore wind in our oceans is an extreme example of the population being lied to about the negative impacts of all aspects of the industry so a small group of industrialists and politicians can benefit.

The amount of crucial information pointing to the industry’s negative environmental impacts, the extreme costs for buildout and operation, the variability and unreliability of the energy source, and the potential decimation of our current coastal economies being hidden is mind blowing, with huge sums of money invested in keeping the media towing the climate change line and NGO’s heralding the industry as our “solution” for our growing apocalyptic visions and fears. I say bullshit!

Even if you do not want to see the distinct correlation between the death of marine mammals and fish in areas of offshore wind surveying and construction. Even if you do not choose to see the overall picture of an industry whose total carbon footprint is disturbingly huge. Even if you don’t want to recognize the impact to our harbors and coastal towns from the industrial port buildout to accommodate the hundreds, if not thousands of turbines.

Even if you do not want to see that hundreds of miles of virgin forests will be destroyed to create new grid pathways for the industry, Even if you do not want to question the billions of dollars spent to build and maintain a largely experimental technology. Even if you don’t want to recognize the growing need for toxic and dangerous battery storage facilities needed to control such a variable energy source output. Here is one thing you can not ignore…offshore wind “farms,” as they so euphemistically are called, are one of the most polluting energy sources known to man.

Studies show that the constant breakdown of the turbine blades into the ocean below is releasing significant quantities of Bisphenol (BPA) into the ocean, poisoning the entire water column and affecting biosystems, including humans in most alarming ways.

Studies show that the constant leak of sulphur hexafluoride into the atmosphere is contributing to greenhouse emissions at a rate of over 23,000 times that of CO2 and at this time is unmitigatable.

Studies show that the petroleum used to build and maintain the turbines, build and maintain the industrial ports, and build and maintain the fleet of ships exclusively designed to serve the offshore wind industry is significant enough to negate any possible global benefit to climate change.

In other words, studies show that the increase in shipping traffic, the increase in high decibel anthropogenic noise, the decrease in upwelling, and the industrial pollution associated with ports are quite possibly not the worst of the impacts to our oceans…the actuality of poisoning our coastal waters is real and something that cannot be justified and can not be ignored.

To poison our air and waters unnecessarily in the name of saving our world from an environmental disaster broadly named climate change and global warming makes no sense whatsoever. Are we to be so ridiculously short sighted as to allow for the destruction of our oceans in the name of proliferating an industry that will become obsolete within decades, will not mitigate global warming and will not ultimately serve humanity’s increasing need for responsible and reliable energy.

Think about it! It’s you and your children’s legacy and our planet’s future. Look past the lies and realize that offshore wind is not even close to “the answer” for our energy needs and our planet’s ability to thrive.

PS: If you see this opinion piece as an opportunity to claim these are the rantings of a climate denier and ultra right wing-nut…think again. Just because I don’t agree with the solution doesn’t mean I don’t see the problem!

Mandy Davis is the president of REACT Alliance and a Morro Bay resident. REACT Alliance is a local organization established to educate and inform the public about the issues involved with offshore wind.


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Large scale macro grid Offshore wind energy is the most expensive, destructive to the environment, large footprint, foreign owned, unreliable, polluting centralized form of energy available to Californians. I believe Californians would have more independently controlled, safer, reliable inexpensive energy if the State help support micro grid solar and wind systems with small storage batteries for all homes and business and leave base load power to small footprint, more reliable high inertia power such as nuclear, natural gas, hydro, geothermal. etc. Why is the State wanting to invest billions in Offshore wind energy that the Feds have not permitted and may never permit or subsidize? Especially for a project that mainly helps foreign investors, when so many Californians lost their homes and businesses from the LA fires.

Foreign investments in big oil development in the U.S. amounted to about $40 billion. I sincerely doubt that offshore wind farms have generated even a minuscule percentage of that.

Forgot to mention this $40 billion is annually.

Thank you President Trump. No one wanted an offshore wind plant out of Morro Bay anyway.

Studies have shown that Trump will be blamed for something in one of these comments, out of context. Wait for it….

Look around us folks. Nuclear energy with fusion instead of fission is racing along. Not a nuclear expert but I believe fusion removes the nuclear waste issue and takes a much smaller footprint. Can someone tell me why we have not put billions of dollars behind this? Where is the critical path to success with fusion? Is this being blocked somewhere?

According to the Scientific American, “Most experts agree that we’re unlikely to be able to generate large-scale energy from nuclear fusion before around 2050 (the cautious might add on another decade).” In the meantime, we need new technologies to help in the transition to renewable energy that significantly lower emissions. Many entities, including several automobile and truck manufacturers have set a goal for “net zero” at 2050, a somewhat ambitious date given our slowpoke approach in America to such a transition.

The biggest problem I see is that if we abandon this technology we once again risk falling behind the Chinese, who have over 100 offshore wind farms currently in service. China already produces 80% of the world’s solar panels (and if you were thinking of going solar on your house, you better do it ASAP because when Trump begins his tariff war with China prices will go up). It appears China has already beaten us in the AI sector with the release of DeepSeek, a much cheaper platform than anything we’ve been able to produce, seemingly rendering useless Trump’s recent announcement of a $500 billion investment in the technology.

Instead of looking toward the future, it appears we will simply continue to burn fossil fuels at increasing rates, thus compromising that future as climate change advances unabated. Good job, Ms. Davis, mission accomplished.

There was literally a time not 100 years ago people were so dumb they used gas engines to run pumps to pump water then some “idiot” made a wind turbine in the face of a combustion engine and it’s fragility; with zero input aside from earth. And viola. And to say; this pollutes; when pollution will never be held accountable; is so laughable, it’s insane. That’s like saying existing is bad for the planet therefore we shouldn’t exist. Lol. Society can land a man on the moon; but the context is everything. Like DoD contractors using science and religion to control. Anyone notice the new Secretary of Treasury is George Santos BFF!?! Shocker.

Until I see what the actual studies that Ms Davis references, I’ll use her quote in reference to this article…BULLSHIT! She obviously already has an agenda, as evidenced by her obvious bias in this poorly written essay.

The Sierra Club and the Coastal Commission are complete hypocrites promoting the destruction of our Ocean and Coastline.

You really want the true solution – everyone move out of California. The reality is — humans are parasites on this planet, consuming everything with little consideration and care for our tiny, precious Blue Marble. Sorry, but there will always be risks and costs to society of everything we do. If not wind power, then it is mega solar power farms or nuclear or natural gas. Can’t have your cake and it it too.

This is it^^^ all these “fake fisherman gas lighting pretend environmentalists” I’m really awe struck by these people. Can yell so loud at wind mills but ignore a damn Meteor.

Can anyone from the climate crisis people, explain how the windmills will work, the massive pier will operate, and the battery storage facility will be safe…

… when the seas rise 20m?

Ignore the elephant in the room and blame windmills and Hamas, and DEI and did we forget; Critical Race Theory; lol. What’s next, Hating the Muslims and Jews all over in a new Fashion and rebranding America’s Demise?

20m? Where did you get that number?

Can anyone from the anti-climate people explain how cars will work, roads will expanded, and coal mining will be safe… When fossil fuels are totally exhausted globally in 18 months?!

(See how silly this is, we’re not talking about reality when you say 20m and I say 18months)