San Luis Obispo officers seek help identifying thieves

January 26, 2025


The San Luis Obispo Police Department is seeking the public’s help identifying a pair of thieves who allegedly stole a purse while at a restaurant on Saturday afternoon.

Both women were wearing hats when they entered Finney’s Crafthouse on Monterey Street. The older woman was wearing a grey hat and the younger woman sported a tan ball cap.

Investigators area asking anyone who can help identify the women call Officer Cutler at (805) 594-8091.


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Grans got game!

We’re sweating petty thieves while Trump has paid zilch on taxes. Show us your tax returns, Tramp and Vag 2025.

Having a look at those tax returns will not only solve this crime it will prevent a multitude of others from being committed.

If you can draw a line from petty thieves to Trump, it’s gonna be a long 4 years for you, unfortunately.

Thelma and Grilledcheese