Five fisherman busted poaching endangered abalone near Los Osos

February 15, 2025


Officers recently busted five fisherman off the shore of Montaña de Oro State Park near Los Osos who they caught poaching endangered black abalone.

After receiving a tip regarding the poaching, California Department of Fish and Wildlife officers discovered five fisherman at tide pools fishing for or in possession of abalone — most of which were federally listed endangered black abalone.

Hoping to return to their vehicle undetected, the fisherman attempted to hide a bag containing the abalone as officers approached. Not so easily deceived, officers discovered the criminal catch.

Citations were issued for unlawful possession of abalone and fishing without a license; two in the group were additionally cited for unlawful take of abalone.

The officers returned 31 abalone back to the ocean.


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Any shore fishermen, kayak fishermen, spear-fishermen, or diver on the Central Coast knows the abs are off limits. For anyone stupid enough to poach reading this, EVERYONE around you is watching. You WILL get photographed, your vehicle and gear WILL get photographed, and you WILL get called in. Respect the ecology or stay out of the water.

No names will be released. Coulters Law I bet.

These poachers have been doing this for a minute; they most likely have rich buyers lined up. Remember the dudleya poaching fiasco driven by affluent foreign buyers.

They should have been arrested and their names released. Shame on California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife for letting them get off so easily.

I feel that too. The law abiding need to know that they’re obeying the laws for a good cause.

The only thing I can think of as a reason:

the wardens decided that the evidence would be better off returned to the ocean than taken into custody with the perps.

Release their names. I’ve seen people doing this twice in the last 30 years.

A while back they attempted to fine a woman $80K+ for taking undersize clams from Pismo Beach. Poaching an endangered species has to be worse.

Just citations? Yeah that will stop them?

Just the cost of doing business for them.