Moss Landing fire: Where does California go from here?

February 7, 2025

California State Sen. John Laird

Opinion by California State Sen. John Laird

The people of Moss Landing are experiencing what the people of Pajaro and Capitola have experienced before them. Three weeks after the catastrophic fire, news cameras and reporters are slipping away, they must deal with the aftermath while out of the spotlight.

This past weekend, I stopped to see Kim Solano at the Haute Enchilada Restaurant in Moss Landing. She – along with other local restaurants, shops, and bed and breakfasts – shut down when the highway was closed and the area evacuated. While reopened, they have not financially recovered, so please stop for a meal, buy something, or stay overnight.

Where do we go from here?

I have asked for a complete, independent investigation. Scientific studies have come out piecemeal since the fire. The public deserves a complete investigation that is vetted in public.

We need to know how the fire started, what can be done better in the future, and understand the public and ecological health impacts of the fire plume. The California Public Utilities Commission and the County of Monterey along with the relevant state public health agencies are pursuing these investigations.

In 2023, my Senate Bill 38 required safety plans for battery storage plants. It appears that both Vistra and PG&E did not submit these plans directly to Monterey County after the bill became law. They need to do this – and the county needs to advise the public of the adequacy of the plans.

The effects of a changing climate are here. Scientists point out that the intensity of hurricanes and fires – such as the recent ones in Los Angeles – have increased due to the warming climate. The answer is to put less carbon in the air. Moving away from fossil fuels is key to doing that.

With the national government pulling out of the world blueprint for reducing carbon emissions, including the Paris Agreement, California must redouble our efforts toward the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2045, as well the interim goals on the road to 2045 established by Senate Bill 1020 I authored in 2022.

As we move toward more wind and solar power, we are impacted during times when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. Battery storage allows for energy reliability – and less reliance on energy produced by fossil fuels – when it stores extra energy produced during windy, sunny times and returns energy to the grid at times when it’s dark and the wind isn’t blowing.

Even with this storage, California continues to send solar power to Arizona’s grid, as we do not have enough battery storage to store it here.

California battery storage produced 500 megawatts in 2019, growing to 13,300 megawatts now, with the goal of 52,000 megawatts by 2045. In Sept. 2022, when the electrical grid was on the verge of a black out, battery storage put more energy online than Diablo Canyon’s nuclear power during a few key hours – and the power stayed on.

Every energy source has had a disastrous incident – whether it’s Chernobyl with nuclear power, bird strikes with wind power and solar towers, or countless incidents with fossil fuel – including a several day fire in 2003 on the very Moss Landing site that just burned. We recall too the loss of lives in San Bruno due to a natural gas explosion, and of course the recent, alarming fires at Moss Landing related to battery storage.

The transition to safer battery storage was underway before the fire. The original facilities – like some of those at Moss Landing – included batteries housed indoors, use a more volatile configuration of lithium. Newer technology has changed to a less volatile mix with lithium – and with a different physical configuration of batteries in enclosed individual containers that have individual fire suppression systems, and are outside on separate cement slabs.

Think of your smart phone in 2019 and now. In such a short span of time, the smart phone of today performs far faster, with less energy. Similar advancements are being made with battery storage.

Current proposals for new battery storage facilities will utilize newer, much safer components. In Morro Bay for example, we need to consider the appropriateness of that proposed location, however the proposed technology would be newer, safer technology and not the configuration at Moss Landing.

75% of California’s battery storage uses newer, safer technology. 25% is the older technology, such as what burned at Moss Landing. The state should have discussions about the 25% of battery storage facilities that use older technology.

What do we do? Heightened inspection? Safety improvements? Phasing out over time? All of the above? If Vistra’s plant is rebuilt in Moss Landing, it should be with newer, safer technology.

There are no lithium safety standards in California. This is also an issue that extends beyond battery energy storage facilities and includes EV battery servicing, operation, and disposal. I am working with the California Professional Firefighters and IBEW/Electrical Workers on a possible bill to establish safety standards.

In addition, the California Public Utilities Commission is considering an order about battery storage safety on March 13 – including monitoring whether facilities have complied with SB 38.

There are three major energy goals in California –move away from fossil fuels to a greener electrical grid, have safe, reliable, renewable energy sources, and keep the lights on.

Our job in the coming months and years is to have the public at the table as we decide how to meet each of these goals without sacrificing any of them. It is a tall order. The future of our state and planet demands it, and the well-being of our communities deserves it.

Senator John Laird represents California’s Central Coast, and was the former Secretary for Natural Resources.


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Excuse me Mr Laird. The is no climate change problem so stop using this as an excuse. These battery storage facilities are simply not necessary because we have plenty of other ways of producing electricity that can produce all the time much cheaper than wind or solar. You certainly must know this but you yet you insist to help continue the charade.

We keep talking on the newer technology of battery storage that makes it safer. How about the newer technology of producing nuclear power that also makes it safer. One has a long history of approximately 80 years while the other has a very short infamous history

Sen. Laird does not state clearly whether he is in favor of the Vistra battery plant in Morro Bay or not. He tries to assure us that the new battery technology is a lot safer than the batteries used in Moss Landing. It seems like he is spinning the whole thing in favor of the battery plant. He needs to tell his constituents (of which the great majority oppose the plant in Morro Bay) his exact stand on the MB plant. We would also like to know if he is receiving money from Vistra and if so, how much. Voters will be watching and waiting for this information.

if this guy were alive when edison invented electricity he would be lamenting the death of the candle.

You assume a lot, but actually know very little.

You make excellent points.

Eliminate all government mandates, programs, etc.. Let the free market work, compete and drive energy prices down.

Why not lower the taxes of the struggling businesses? Easy for those who have never had a job outside of the government dole to criticize those who work, innovate and power the world. Stfu

Let stop putting solar farms in dusty fields and windmills on hills ruining our viewshed and build a couple of nuclear plants in the desert… what are we doing people?… stop and think…Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Uzbekistan and China and India are all building new nuclear plants….

Top down rubber stamping of batteries to store four hours of off shore wind. These bottom level politicians get direction from Newsom who got his from Biden Harris. They know very little of battery, wind solar technologies from the manufacturing to installation to maintenance to their end dates and when junked then what. There is no cost effective recycling to date. But what they really don’t know is these technologies combined costs without their subsidies, without their tax breaks with the cost of buying backup electricity outside California what is the real cost to the everyday consumer and business. You would think this would be the first questioned answered. You represent the consumer that already pays the nations highest energy costs. This latest bill is because Senator Laird did not know what he should have known before hand. What else do those pushing wind, solar, batteries not know or are not saying ? The goal for the people that politicians represent should be low cost as possible electricity, reliable, safe within reason energy . Energy is in every product and service multiple times . Lower energy costs and you have the opportunity to lower all costs from products made to services to food to shelter to medicine ! Democrat Governor of New Jersey Phil Murphy just pulled the plug on off shore wind. New Jersey was further along with wind turbines than California. The future is nuclear power and the transition energy should be clean, cheap natural gas. Say no to wind and back up batteries. We cannot afford the cost.

It is not an either or thing when we are dealing with energy production. It is an all of the above thing.

We don’t have the luxury of indulging in a political pithy tit for tat.

I hate to break it to you but energy costs will not come down no matter how much you drill, or how much wind they harvest.

Our base use of energy has up until now directly proportional to the population. Meaning we do not over produce energy for the sake of it. You don’t generate power for 2 million people when only 1 million need it for home or business use. Do you follow?

The AI revolution will have the effect on our grid that is comparable to doubling or tripling our population. The DataCenters can consume 150 MW of power. Which is the need of a small city or steel mills.

We would do ourselves a favor if we quit fighting each other and work to insure that these “disrupters” , ie high capacity data centers are required to solve their own energy problem. (Solar, geothermal, wind, and yes Nuclear).

Otherwise you will subsidize the AI industry and the AI investor via your ever raising power bills. Get it? Pointing the finger at each other, while the real culprit is a disruptive industry AI and technology advancement generally.

No more subsidies period! No rebates from taxpayers for buying rooftop solar. Or EVs and yes, especially AI

Well, this is just the tip of the HUGE UGLY iceberg! If our esteemed new immature and deranged President Mr. T gets his way, everyone in the U.S. is going to Hades (you know, the super hot region beneath our feet). According to him, no-way for solar power or wind power, so let’s install more coal and oil-fired powered plants and reap the wonderful “cheap” benefits — an atmosphere that humans can no longer breathe, in other words a death sentence for our children and future generations (that remain living).

I zeroed in on his comment about climate change and the Los Angeles fires. I think that is idiotically simplistic given the other information available about fires in that area, including the mismanagement of brush, water infastructure issues, fire department cutbacks, and the obscenely high Santa Ana wind event this year. Then there is this problem: Read this about the number of fires started by homeless people: