Oceano man arrested following standoff in Arroyo Grande

February 1, 2025


An Oceano man is in jail after his failure to comply with officers led to a shelter in place order that impacted Arroyo Grande High School as well as mutiple residences on Friday afternoon.

Near the end of the school day, Arroyo Grande officers spoke to 34-year-old Mario Castilleja at a local hotel, but he ran way. Castilleja, who allegedly violated his post release community supervision requirements, was arrested in 2021 on narcotics and resisting arrest charges while having four outstanding felony warrants and six outstanding misdemeanor warrants.

Using a drone, officers spotted Castilleja in a residential backyard on Orchard Street on Friday afternoon.

Castilleja then barricaded himself in a garage leading to the temporary shelter in place order. He eventually left the garage.

Arroyo Grande officers arrested Castilleja and booked him in the San Luis Obispo County Jail on charged of resisting arrest, unauthorized entry into a residence, and violating his release terms. He is being held without bail.


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Beautiful. “…Castilleja, who allegedly violated his post release community supervision requirements, was arrested in 2021 on narcotics and resisting arrest charges while having four outstanding felony warrants and six outstanding misdemeanor warrants…”

That’s a lot of $$ for room and board in jail. A lot of $$ for law enforcement, processing and other admin costs.

Feed him to the Trump train.

So “unauthorized entry into a residence” is a politically correct synonym for “Home Invasion”?

Don’t you just love how language has changed over time? Unauthorized entry into a residence almost sounds like something that isn’t even a crime doesn’t it? It’s like…oops, he didn’t get permission, but not really a big deal. The guy storms into a home running from the cops, and it seems like not a big deal. We have become so soft on criminal behavior. When the courts ordered California to reduce the inmate population due to overcrowding, the proper course of action would have been to build more prisons, not let criminals out. Huge mistake.