San Luis Coastal School District cuts some positions, not enough

February 20, 2025


Facing a $6.3 million budget deficit, on Tuesday the San Luis Coastal Unified School District Board of Trustees voted to cut 20 employee positions while also agreeing not to eliminate 5.5 counseling positions.

Staff proposed passing two resolutions with the first regarding counseling, but the public and staff argued against cutting counselor positions. The resolution then failed.

The second resolution included the elimination of 12 instructional aides, an English learner instructional aide, a physical education instructional aide, a counseling aide, a before and after school aide, one and a half office clerks, an human resources technician, an executive assistant in the superintendent’s office, and a payroll specialist. The board voted unanimously to pass the second resolution.

At a board meeting on Jan. 14, district administrators discussed cutting transitional kindergarten classes. Parents and some teachers were outraged at the suggestion which was eventually discarded.

The district still needs to confront its remaining budget deficit. The goal is to meet budget reduction targets while minimizing negative impacts on teaching and learning.

District officials are also hoping to procure a donation from PG&E to help fill the funding gap.


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Unbelievable, why do they need MORE money from pg&e?? They already get a huge chunk of tax income from Diablo canyon + $36M over 9 years as part of the 2016 joint agreement to compensate for the lost income when Diablo was to close down. I don’t feel one but sorry for this district, you have been blessed with a very large budget that obviously you still can’t balance!

Salaries are the largest portion of any budget. Start with 10% reductions in the salaries of the superintendent and his management team; call it a pain penalty for letting things get this far.

Eliminate counseling positions, aide positions, lighten up on janitorial staff (the students can empty waste baskets like when I was in school) and offer a golden handshake to any staff that’s 18 months from retirement in order to get the salary savings.

Of course they will go to PG&E to do a shake down and get a “donation” that will lessen PG&E’s tax liability while kicking this can down the road.

Maybe it’s time to call that million dollar, 2% interest, no money down, loan given to Superintendent Prater so he could buy a house suitable for his lofty position.

It should be so obvious how to trim the budget start at the top and work down. Leave the teachers, classrooms and programs alone. There is so much fat at the top no one would even miss it. School Board will you please actually represent the taxpayers and not the union…

Can I get a Amen‼️

Still no serious desire to address the outrageous administration compensations or the bloated administration staffing.