SLO County battles order to release Lopez Lake water for fish

February 4, 2025

Steelhead trout


San Luis Obispo County is appealing a court order to release more water from Lopez Lake to support fish migration because of the rulings impact on the county’s water supply.

U.S. District Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett in December sided with environmental groups with a goal of protecting a threatened species. She ordered San Luis Obispo County to increase the amount of water it releases from the Lopez Lake Dam each year to support steelhead trout migration through Arroyo Grande Creek for spawning in the watershed.

The water then runs into the Pacific Ocean.

The county appealed the decision on Jan. 24 arguing the additional water releases could lead to shortages during drought years.

Lopez Lake not only provides water for  Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Oceano and Avila Beach, it is also used to fight wild fires.

Lopez lake has received only 31% of its average rainfall through Feb. 4. Climate scientists track rain from July 1 through June 31.

“We are deeply concerned and support the county’s appeal as a result of the potentially significant long-term impact to the water supply and storage that our residents, businesses and ecosystems rely upon,” according to a joint statement from Arroyo Grande, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach and the Oceano Community Services District.

The county filed its appeal with 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.


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See California?… this is why we can’t have nice things… judges reaching out of their level of expertise and education…

Are AG and SL creeks truly viable for steelhead and at what costs? Is it more effective to enhance a watershed elsewhere? These species are threatened. Let’s enhance the locations where they have the best chance of vibrant life.

I have two steelhead creeks on my property that the Fish and Wildlife do not enforce protection. Dutch Huckaby, Glenn Sparks, Terri Hicky and today’s warden have not shown any interest, all predecessors except for today’s warden have claimed no funding and expect neighbors to fight it out in the civil courts. Only the coast with the most housing revenue is the attention for the funding platform created by the agitation created by the court. I have complained of dead fish and the F&W Biologist (Dennis) said call if I see more dead fish. In years past I’ve complained to another F&W Biologist thence County Supervisor (Bud Laurent) who did nothing because (after the fact I learned) it was his stepfather who created the problem. My thought is that Trump needs to withhold all Federal Funds to California and require that all problems are resolved at a local level. In the consequential end, environmentalist BS is a scam for revenue streams not healthy streams. I’m not leaving California, somebody else cares too and more will follow to resolve this hypocrisy that reaches into our pockets for personal gain. Go Trump, make them sharpen their pencils.

Have you not learned the lessons of the Southern Cal fires? Very similar terrain there save fish not people?

YEAH SCREW THE ECOSYSTEM! Who needs a basis for all life on earth, we know better!!! …..sarcasm for those horrible enough to actually think that way.

Any release, should be rated in conjunction with the total flow rate of Lopez creek, as it enters the lake. Releasing more water than what is naturally flowing per season, would be interfering with the spawning instinct of the trout.

Arroyo Grande creek is a seasonal drainage stream, same as Wittenberg creek. Only the Lopez flows year ’round, depending on rainfall. Adding more water, than what the Lopez is currently flowing, would be unnatural.

The entire lake isn’t “natural”…you can’t use that as an argument lol

Yes, we know. That’s why the outflow, should match the inflow, in order to keep the stream natural.

I’m not sure, what part of that you didn’t get?

The stream would be natural if the lake didn’t exist at all…. What part of that don’t YOU get?

We’ll do it your way! When the upper stream goes dry during normal drought periods, release from the lake stops. No water, no fish, all the way to Oceano. Just like nature intended, naturally. We could also go back to seasonal farming, rather then continual farming. No doubt, the Ag industry will thank you for being so farsighted…

Or, instead, let’s allow the lake to keep the stream running all year, and through any drought, just like it did very recently. Which, as you may or may not know, is the entire purpose of the lake: Providing water all year, despite change in weather patterns.

Seems important to mention one of people on the council that controls operations of Lopez Lake also happens to be a vineyard owner aka Talley Farms and Vineyard. Wonder where he really wants that water to go? Hmmmmmmmm. Shady business as usual. Protect wildlife not wineries!

Isn’t this what Trump has been belching about? Release water? Haters of Newsome has been crying about his orders to release water. Now that Trumpster fire has been talking about releasing water-the whiners are all for it.

Sheep is an understatement.

Beyond shocking how deep their heads are buried in the sand :/ Soooo incredibly hung up on party lines, just straight up ignoring factual information and correct processes etc. They’d rather see the world burn that admit they’re wrong and I hate that so much.

When they are with like minded people throwing lies around-they somehow believe themselves. It’s wild. When asked to fact check….poof. They disappear.

Newsom released water into the sea. Trump released water into aquifers, farms, ranches, cities, and yes, firefighting reservoirs.

We, are the sheepdogs.

Pls, tell me I don’t need to explain the water cycle to you… Oh wait; 1 in 7 adults can’t even read in the US. So; the way water works…

So if Newsome releases water does it take a different route to the ocean to avoid the farmers? Is Trump to Godly that he can make the water flip a u-turn when it approaches the ocean?

What are some of you going to do with your life when Trump isn’t around anymore? Are you ready for that life when you have to use common sense?
