California now has more electric vehicle charges than gas pumps

March 22, 2025


California now has 48% more electric vehicle chargers than gasoline nozzles, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday. Previously, some electric vehicle drivers voiced concerns over charging station availability.

In California, there are 178,549 public and shared private electric vehicle chargers. This is more than twice as many publicly accessible chargers compared to 2022 and an increase of 26,193 since the last update in August.

The California Energy Commission estimates there are about 120,000 gas nozzles in the state.

“As the federal government works to make it harder for you to charge your electric car, California is doing the opposite,” Newsom says in his announcement. “We’re embracing our clean car future and providing consumers more choices – no matter what ‘big government’ mandates come out of Washington.”


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How many shared private gas pumps are there again? Deliberately inflating the charger numbers by adding “shared private chargers”, makes me wonder what else the state is lying about EV’s.

Not to worry though, They said the grid will be better when Diablo shuts down…

Gee, I wonder why the electric grid keeps shutting down.

Utility scale batteries have made the grid orders of magnitude more stable. The only real blackouts in recent years are due to the arc fault interrupters…to prevent fires and are very localized. At times we have too much solar available and are forced to export it because…not enough batteries available.

..and powered by what, diesel generators? Let the facts begin..

Ok, here’s a fact. Solar & wind power are both a higher share than fossil fuels, and its increasing every year. Head over to and scroll down to energy CA energy production and check out the last month of production…not even the best month for solar…but it pushes fossil fuels use to nearly nothing during the day. Batteries handle the spike in load during the evening. Please down vote me, if you are unable to understand the chart.

And if you look at where electricity came from for just today, Diablo Canyon supplied more power to the grid than fossil fuels. Thats for nearly the whole state.

Hybrid is currently the best option right now for most imo. Charging needs to make a major leap in speed! Until then; being able to fill up the gas tank in 5 min then drive 3-400 miles without stopping, remains king.

Hybrids cost more to repair than a simple gas-powered vehicle. More parameters must be met in order to satisfy the system’s requirements for similar repair work. Phone the service department of any reputable dealership..

Hybrids are the worst of both worlds. You have two power systems to maintain and the addition complexity of combining them. Your gas engine is lugging around an electric power system is mostly not using, same for the electrical. Obviously you’ve never used and electric car for traveling, I been all over the western United States and two cross county trips, it’s no big thing, yes, it takes a little longer but if you’re in that big a hurry get a gas only car