Highway 101 lane closures near Paso Robles

March 22, 2025


As part of an long-awaited underpass project at the Wellsona Road and Highway 101 interchange north of Paso Robles, there will be partial closures of both north and southbound lanes on March 26 from 7 p.m. through 6 a.m., according to the California Department of Transportation.

Caltrans plans to construct a 112-foot underpass beneath Highway 101 and a frontage road to connect Wellsona Road. First announced in 2017, the current installment of temporary barriers is part of a $12.2 million project that has been repeatedly delayed.

The latest lane closures will allow Caltrans to adjust temporary barriers and delineation to begin construction of the southbound bridge. One lane will remain open in both directions during this roadwork.

This project is intended to reduce the number and severity of collisions at the intersection of Highway 101 and Wellsona Road. A detour has been established for bicycle riders. The San Paso Truck Stop will remain open and accessible.

Caltrans  awarded the$12.2 million project to CalPortland Construction of Santa Maria, Construction is expected to be complete in early 2026.


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