The Grover Beach City Council is considering booting its mayor from the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Board. Mayor Debbie Peterson, who has represented Grover Beach on the board since January, attempted Monday to gain the support... (Continue reading)
If you have ever wondered how much money is spent annually by capitol lobbyists to influence politicians and help write a constant flow of proposed legislation, this new database will provide some answers. (Sacramento Bee) The newspaper reports that $564... (Continue reading)
A Democratic assemblyman will call for Californians to boycott the state of Florida following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. [Sac Bee] Chris Holden, of Pasadena, is writing a joint resolution with the backing... (Continue reading)
A young man died Thursday afternoon after jumping from the top of a parking structure in downtown San Luis Obispo. Police officials said the man, believed to be in his 20s, was alone and appeared to have intentionally jumped from... (Continue reading)
A probation sweep of Northern San Luis Obispo County netted 19 arrests of probationers Tuesday. Around 6 p.m. Tuesday, the San Luis Obispo County Probation Department, in partnership with several local law enforcement agencies, contacted a total of 61 probationers... (Continue reading)
An obscure state panel, the California State Sex Offender Management Board, has convened in Sacramento to study the social implications of the so-called prison realignment policy now being introduced by corrections officials. (Sacramento Bee) The realignment has been initiated to... (Continue reading)
A woman who robbed the Golden 1 Credit Union in Paso Robles on Tuesday is wanted for a total of five bank robberies on the Central Coast, four of which occurred in San Luis Obispo County. The FBI has dubbed... (Continue reading)
Southern California Edison, the owner of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, served Mitsubishi with a notice that it will seek reimbursement for the cost of shutting the plant In June, Southern California Edison retired San Onofre’s Unit 2 and... (Continue reading)
An Atascadero man who worked as a prison guard died last week while fleeing from police in San Benito County. [Tribune] On July 12 at 12:34 a.m., California Highway Patrol officers attempted to pull David John Calmere, 41, over for... (Continue reading)
Implementation of the Affordable Care Act will significantly augment this state’s ability to provide mental health benefits for millions of people, a new study by the nonprofit California HealthCare Foundation suggests. (Los Angeles Times) According to details presented in the... (Continue reading)