Daily Briefs

This week’s dumbest criminal

This week’s Dumbest Criminal Award goes to a Nevada woman who was arrested for stealing a bottle of wine from a grocery store while intoxicated…and topless [San Francisco Chronicle] The aptly-named Brandi Smith, 41, of Gardnerville was arrested May 10... (Continue reading)

Patterson wants supes to oppose Proposition 16

The increasingly controversial Proposition 16 on the June 8 ballot has picked up more local opposition. County Supervisor Jim Patterson wants his colleagues to formally go on record against the PG&E financed-initiative. [Tribune] Proposition 16, backed by PG&E to the... (Continue reading)

Tough week for PG&E

Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is coming off a pretty tough week. First, federal investigators issued a report, blaming PG&E for faulty work and a delayed response to complaints of a gas leak that led to a fatal home explosion... (Continue reading)

Three finalists named for Warren Baker’s job

Cal Poly officials released the names Friday morning of the three finalists to replace Warren Baker as university president. Baker is retiring after serving as president since 1979. Each of the three candidates is being brought to campus next week... (Continue reading)

Southern Californians to hit the road Memorial Day

Get ready. The Central Coast should expect its share of Southern California visitors over the upcoming Memorial Day weekend. A new survey by AAA shows that people from the Southland are ready to hit the road again for a mini-vacation.... (Continue reading)

Justice Department approves special election to replace Maldonado

The U.S. Justice Department ignored concerns by California Democrats and approved a special election for June 22 to fill the state Senate seat of Abel Maldonado (R-Santa Maria). [San Francisco Chronicle] Democrats had hoped to block the election with a... (Continue reading)

Downtown Association concedes to farmers

The Downtown Association agreed Thursday to allow the Farmers’ Market Association to manage the produce portion of the weekly Farmers Market in San Luis Obispo. The Downtown Association unexpectedly seized control last January after more than 26 years of leadership... (Continue reading)

Smoking ban effective Thursday

Smokers in San Luis Obispo will have fewer places to light up after Thursday when a city wide revised smoking ban goes into effect. Under the new law voted in by the City Council in April, smoking is banned in... (Continue reading)

Cafe FX ponders a move to Texas

The primary connection between the Central Coast and Hollywood may be severed because of the poor state economy. [Santa Maria Times] Santa Maria’s award-winning movie special effects company, Cafe FX, could be shipping out for greener pastures in Texas. Jeff... (Continue reading)

Help Save the Whales on Sunday

A statewide protest is set for Sunday, May 23, to put pressure on President Obama to support an international moratorium against commercial whaling. The International Whaling Commission is scheduled to discuss the moratorium at its June meeting and activists want... (Continue reading)