Daily Briefs

Unequal pay for equal work continues

New U.S. Department of Labor statistics report that women in California who were full-time wage and salary workers had median weekly incomes of $738, or 87 percent of the $852 median for their male counterparts in 2008. Nationwide, women earned... (Continue reading)

Binge drinking shoots up among California teens

The San Jose Mercury News is reporting a disturbing trend: After dropping for decades, binge drinking among California teens is suddenly increasing at an alarming rate. Hard liquor has replaced beer as the alcohol that teens reach for, and vodka... (Continue reading)

Pot legalization headed for 2010 ballot

Supporters of a state initiative that would legalize marijuana in California claim they have collected enough signatures to ensure that it will be on the November 2010 ballot. According to the Los Angeles Times, the petition drive has collected more... (Continue reading)

SLO hospitals battle over trauma center

Mike Hodgson in the Times Press Recorder has a two part series about the increasingly ugly and bitter battle between local hospitals. The issue: Whether or not SLO County should have a designated regional trauma center at one of its... (Continue reading)

LA film critics announce 2009 winners

The Los Angeles Film Critics Association announced their 2009 winners Sunday afternoon and “The Hurt Locker,” shown locally last summer at the Palm Theatre, was named Best Picture. Runner-up honors went to the new George Clooney flick, “Up in the... (Continue reading)

SLO man beaten and kicked by strangers

Philip Hauser, a 26 year old San Luis Obispo man, was walking along the railroad tracks near the intersection of Phillips and Pepper Street Sunday at 5 a.m. when he encountered a pair of transients from Arizona. Hauser engaged in... (Continue reading)

Former Estate Financial principal files bankruptcy

Don Vaughn, the former owner of Estate Financial, Inc. (EFI) has filed for bankruptcy, is accused of defrauding investors through his hard money lending company, and is at risk of losing his contractor’s license for failing to pay a civil... (Continue reading)

Judge Picquet retires

San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Roger Picquet announced plans to retire from the bench, effective next Tuesday, just four months after his decision to overturn a ballot initiative was thrown out by the court of appeals. [Tribune] Picquet’s 2008... (Continue reading)

Bodyguard $$$ for Arnold triples

The budget for bodyguards who protect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other top officials has tripled since the Governator took office in 2003. State records show spending on the California Highway Patrol’s Protective Services Division grew from $14.4 million under Gray... (Continue reading)

Avatar: The movie that changes everything

We know what you’re thinking: Why is CalCoastNews bothering with a review of a brand new Hollywood movie? Are we doing this just as a cheap way to drive up traffic to our web site? Maybe. Actually, the movie is... (Continue reading)