Daily Briefs

Retail sales up slightly for Black Friday

Shoppertrak, a national consumer spending research group, reports that retail sales nationally  for “Black Friday,” supposedly the busiest retail day of the year, increased only 0.5 percent over 2008. Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times cites research indicating 195 million shoppers... (Continue reading)

30 die on California highways over holiday

The Los Angeles Times has the grim statistics for road fatalities throughout California over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Reported deaths were up this year over last Thanksgiving.... (Continue reading)

New director for writers’ conference

Tribune columnist Judy Salamacha has been named the new director of the annual Central Coast Writers’ Conference at Cuesta College. Salamacha replaces Cathe Olsen who resigned to accept a full-time librarian position. Salamacha’s column about Los Osos, Morro Bay and... (Continue reading)

Lost couple discovered in San Luis Obispo County

Good Samaritans find a missing Acton, California couple in San Luis Obispo County. [KCAL] On their way to Paradise, California, Edison Cook, 81, and his wife Isabel Cook, 73, took a wrong turn and ended up lost, separated, dehydrated and... (Continue reading)

Maldonado runs against history

Our state senator Abel Maldonado may be up against his toughest competitor yet — history — should he win appointment as California’s Lt. Governor and try for re-election in 2010. Garry South, former Gray Davis strategist, writing in today’s LA... (Continue reading)

Jay Miller on borrowed time

Federal prosecutors prompted a federal grand jury to look into the alleged criminal acts of Hurst financial principal Jay Miller. [Tribune] Miller is one of the subjects of a two-year racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud investigation that includes former... (Continue reading)

Local businessman makes De Vaul challenge

Local businessman Kyle Wiens made a public pledge Wednesday night to donate $4,000 to Dan De Vaul and Sunny Acres, challenging 99 other local businesses to match his gift. Wiens is founder and CEO of iFixit, a local company specializing... (Continue reading)

De Vaul ready for his national media close-up

The Dan De Vaul story continues to gain national traction. Sunny Acres spokesperson Becky Jorgeson announced Wednesday that the controversial San Luis Obispo rancher will appear next week on both “Good Morning America” and “Larry King Live.” CalCoastNews will publish... (Continue reading)

Bay area talk show host blasts SLO County

Dan De Vaul was the #1 topic of conversation Tuesday night on the ever-popular Gene Burns talk show on KGO radio in San Francisco. Burns spent the entire 7 o’clock hour slamming San Luis Obispo county officials for throwing De... (Continue reading)

Maldonado for Lt. Governor?

Central Coast state senator Abel Maldonado, R- Santa Maria, will be nominated by Gov. Schwarzenegger to be California’s next lieutenant governor. The governor made the announcement Monday evening during a TV taping of “The Jay Leno Show.” The vacancy in... (Continue reading)