A public celebration of the life of Anne McMahon will take place on Saturday, Jan. 23 at the Santa Margarita Ranch. The well-known environmental activist and former journalist died last month after battling cancer. Friends and family are invited to... (Continue reading)
Controversial political guru Karl Rove is confirmed to speak at UCSB next month. Rove, largely credited with transforming George W. Bush’s political career as governor of Texas, and later as the 43rd President of the United States, will speak on... (Continue reading)
A federal judge ruled Wednesday that next week’s trial in San Francisco of a lawsuit challenging Proposition 8 can be videotaped for delayed Internet release on YouTube. [San Francisco Chronicle] Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ordered the coverage. Proposition... (Continue reading)
Veteran San Luis Obispo reporter Sally Connell will leave The Tribune later this month to return to freelance writing and to pursue a book project. [SLO Chamber e-Insider] Connell covered San Luis Obispo City Hall and education for the paper. Prior... (Continue reading)
An Arroyo Grande woman allegedly assaulted by city councilman Ed Arnold in December said Kathryn Arnold, the councilman’s wife, is currently having a love affair with her. [KSBY] A second restraining order that recently surfaced was filed against Arnold in San... (Continue reading)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger plans to call the state Legislature into emergency session to deal with a nearly $6.3 billion budget gap in the current fiscal year. The emergency declaration, authorized by the voters under Prop 58, requires lawmakers to act... (Continue reading)
Court documents reveal serious allegations against Arroyo Grande city councilman Ed Arnold by his wife, Kathryn, and a 28-year-old mutual friend of the couple. [KSBY] Kathryn Arnold filed a request for a permanent restraining order against her husband on Dec.... (Continue reading)
County planning commissioner Sarah Christie was forced to step down last December, primarily because the supervisor who originally appointed her–5th District representative Jim Patterson–felt that he and Christie had a basic philosophical disagreement on key policy issues. According to one local... (Continue reading)
A new state law that took effect Jan. 1 allows cities to crack down on California drivers claiming to be disabled by displaying a fake, borrowed, or stolen blue parking tag. [San Francisco Chronicle] Cities can now charge anywhere between... (Continue reading)
If you need a reminder as to why you live in California, despite the high property taxes and the huge budget deficit, check out today’s national weather map. [Plymouth State Weather Center] 13 degrees in Chicago, 13 below in Omaha,... (Continue reading)