
Atascadero dad tricks kids into believing in Ewoks

Atascadero graphic designer Anthony Herrera likes to play a game called “Find the Ewok” with his daughter. So on a recent trip to Sequoia National Park, Herrera told her that Ewoks, made popular through the “Star Wars” movies, lived among... (Continue reading)

“Colors of Peru” comes to San Luis Obispo

Janna Nichols of San Luis Obispo has been recording the world around her in photographs ever since she took a camera with her to Guatemala while still in high school. That trip sparked a life-long interest in travel, a fitting... (Continue reading)

This Weekend: Scarecrows, Follies and Greek food

Here it is, the first full weekend in October and there’s plenty to do. Head up to Cambria Saturday and Sunday for the Scarecrow and Harvest Festival, which has been getting some very nice statewide press. More than 200 handcrafted,... (Continue reading)

USA Today loves Paso Robles

Forget about gang problems and water issues—Paso Robles was back in the national spotlight over the weekend with glowing travel coverage from USA Today. Calling Paso Robles, “California’s fastest-growing, and to many, most surprising wine region,”  reporter Jayne Clark seemed... (Continue reading)

Frenzied medly of hip-hop and punk-rock hits Pozo Saloon

By CHRIS WREN Despite a shocking no-show by one of the two headlining acts, Sunday’s Fall Frenzy at Pozo Saloon still delivered a symphony of dancing, drink, and blasting music. The Game, a renowned LA rapper slated to be one... (Continue reading)

Savor the Weekend

The main event for this weekend continues to be the return of Savor the Central Coast, the big culinary blowout hosted by Sunset Magazine. Thousands of folks have descended on SLO County from as far away as Baltimore to imbibe... (Continue reading)

Weekend spotlight: Ode to Tomatoes

By CRISTIN POWERS Autumn, the time for the harvest, warm apple cider, succulent roast turkeys and freshly baked pumpkin pies, has arrived along with an array of fun festivities. Start the season off right by attending the 74th annual Arroyo... (Continue reading)

Movie Review: I Don’t Know How She Does It

By MIRANDA FORESMAN Dear Readers, consider yourselves warned. This weekend I saw a film that I genuinely lament having seen. I wouldn’t fork out cash for I Don’t Know How She Does It unless you are actively hiding from vicious... (Continue reading)

Tears for Fears deliver the goods at the Chumash

By COLIN JONES When you think of specific decades for anything whether it’s music, sports or movies, certain names immediately come to mind. For the big hair, synth-pop, techno-beat post-punk, post-new wave 1980s, it would be difficult to find a... (Continue reading)

Weekend spotlight: Avocado and Margarita Festival

By CRISTIN POWERS Forget dinner and a movie — take your date to the Fifth Annual Avocado and Margarita Festival held along the scenic Embarcadero Blvd. in Morro Bay on Saturday. Enliven your spirits and delight your palate as this... (Continue reading)