
Online pornography by the numbers

New statistics are available about the explosion in online pornography and some people might be taken aback by the findings. [Online MBA] About 12 percent of all web sites (24,644,172) on the Internet are pornographic. Just under 30,000 users (28,258)... (Continue reading)

Taking the pulse of National Public Radio

In a recent wide-ranging interview, Vivian Schiller, the CEO of National Public Radio (NPR) predicted that all cars will soon have Internet radio. [Barron’s] Interviewed at the D: All Things Digital conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Schiller also predicted that... (Continue reading)

Memorial Day events around the county

Enjoy your day off on Monday, but also try to take some time to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. Spend part of the time honoring the men and women who sacrificed in order to preserve our freedom. There are... (Continue reading)

Inga Swearingen prepares for Wolf Trap

Inga Swearingen, everyone’s favorite jazz vocalist on the Central Coast, is skipping the usual Memorial Day weekend trappings–no barbecues or volleyball for the popular Atascadero-based singer. Instead, Swearingen is winging her way towards Virginia and a performance on Saturday at... (Continue reading)

Video Pick: Coyote

By DAVID CONGALTON Steve is 31, already retired, and bored with life. He made his money quick and easy as a successful Tucson entrepreneur. Now he plays golf, lectures other young wannabe Donald Trumps and acts bemused as his beautiful... (Continue reading)

Good sign: More Americans planning to get away this summer

A new study suggests that more Americans are planning on going somewhere on vacation this summer, staying longer, and spending more money. [Los Angeles Times] The study, released Monday by American Express, reports that of those Americans who plan to... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly student wins big on “Wheel of Fortune”

Fourth year Biology major Katie Berger shouldn’t have any problem paying tuition after winning nearly $50,000 on TV’s “Wheel of Fortune.” [KSBY] The Cal Poly student won $49,493 in cash and prizes in an episode that aired locally Thursday night.... (Continue reading)

Dining Out: The Neon Carrot

By DAVID CONGALTON I am but a poor media peon, so The Park was one of those wonderful San Luis Obispo restaurants normally out of my budget. I could go if others were paying, or it was a truly special... (Continue reading)

Picasso sells for (gulp) $106.5 million at auction

A 1932 portrait by Pablo Picasso, capturing his lover on canvas, has become the most expensive artwork ever sold at auction. [Los Angeles Times] The painting, “Nude, Green Leaves, and Bust” went for $106.5 million Tuesday night at Christie’s New... (Continue reading)

The eyes of Texas are upon us

Nice write-up about the Central Coast by the travel writer for the Houston Chronicle in last Friday’s paper. [Houston Chronicle] Kristin Finan and her husband recently spent a long three-day weekend hanging out at the Madonna Inn and wandering through... (Continue reading)