A Nipomo family allegedly brutalized by a sheriff’s deputy during a stop for a minor traffic violation in 2012 agreed to a $150,000 settlement from San Luis Obispo County. In July 2012, deputy Steven Hurl pulled behind Jesus Ruiz who... (Continue reading)
A woman using a restroom at a senior living facility in Solvang was stunned to discover she was being videotaped via a cell phone hidden in the ventilation system. Santa Barbara Sheriff deputies discovered the phone, which had videos of... (Continue reading)
Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law Tuesday banning the practice of posting graphic images or video of another person online with intent to cause emotional harm. [SacramentoBee] Posting “revenge porn” can now land offenders in jail for six... (Continue reading)
Santa Maria residents Melinda and Julian Hale married on September 1 overlooking the ocean on a Shell Beach cliff. The couple met in Las Vegas. “Apparently not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” the Hale’s wedding website states.... (Continue reading)
By JOSH FRIEDMAN The San Luis Obispo City Council appointed former mayoral candidate Steve Barasch to the Investment Oversight Committee Tuesday, despite opposition from staff and the mayor. Barasch, who has criticized city financial decisions during regular appearances at council... (Continue reading)
The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday against extending an urgency ordinance that prohibits new development and the planting of crops in the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin area unless proposed projects save as much water as... (Continue reading)
A Nipomo man was sentenced Monday to 11 years in federal prison for a fraud scheme that caused more than $46 million in losses to several victims, including his in-laws, a friend and five banks. John Mark Moore, 51, operated... (Continue reading)
Yosemite National Park celebrated its 123rd birthday Tuesday by closing its gates due to a federal government shutdown. [LA Times] The U.S. House and Representatives and Senate failed to agree Monday night on how to renew funding of the federal... (Continue reading)
By JOSH FRIEDMAN Amid allegation of financial inadequacies, San Luis Obispo’s assistant city manager ordered the city clerk to leave the name of an outspoken applicant for a position on the Investment Oversight Committee off a staff report for Tuesday’s... (Continue reading)
OPINION By STEW JENKINS For fear mongers who have tried selling doubt, facts already show that the Affordable Care Act is bringing down health insurance costs making coverage available to everyone. Passed by Congress and upheld by the United States... (Continue reading)