
AWOL Hill meets with Ray

By JOSH FRIEDMAN San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill, who caused the cancellation of an Air Pollution Control District board meeting Wednesday by saying he could not attend, was spotted appearing incognito at a San Luis Obispo coffee shop... (Continue reading)

Gibson and Hill ploy leads to cancellation of APCD meeting

The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District cancelled its board meeting scheduled for Wednesday following a late and likely politically strategic decision by Supervisors Bruce Gibson and Adam Hill not to attend. Gibson and Hill likely would have... (Continue reading)

Dennis & Me: Remembering Dennis Farina

OPINION By DAVID CONGALTON Actor Dennis Farina died Monday morning at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona at the age of 69. Medical reports indicate a blood clot. Genuine, well-deserved praise has splashed across the Internet in honor of this former... (Continue reading)

Rising ocean waters pose big threat

A panel of legislators today is hearing a discussion of climate change and its importance to Californians as — according to Gov. Jerry Brown — a “very slow but inexorable” rise in sea levels begins to approach an irreversible crisis... (Continue reading)

Nugent is full of shtick at the Chumash

By COLIN JONES There is no one on Planet Earth like Ted Nugent. But you knew that already. As an entertainer, being uniquely original like Nugent is a huge plus but it’s never enough. You need to have soul and... (Continue reading)

Thief stabs victims in Atascadero

A woman assaulted two people with a knife while stealing a cell phone from one of the victim’s on Tuesday at 9:28 a.m. Officers arrived at the 10700 block of El Camino Real to find the woman had fled the... (Continue reading)

$1,000 reward for information on murder suspect

The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office is offering a $1,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those involved in the June 21 murder of Joseph Padilla in Oceano. Padilla, 25, of Nipomo died from... (Continue reading)

SLO fire chief to retire

San Luis Obispo Fire Chief Charlie Hines will retire from the city in September, according an email memorandum issued by City Manager Katie Lichtig Tuesday. Hines, who recently rehired the embattled firefighter John Ryan Mason, will retire on September 10... (Continue reading)

Whales nearly eat divers near Morro Bay

Two humpback whales nearly swallowed two scuba divers Saturday near Morro Bay. [KCOY] The divers had just completed a dive and surfaced when two humpbacks leapt out of the water with mouths wide open, narrowly missing the humans. A cameraman... (Continue reading)

Domestic spying drying Obama support

The Obama administration’s penchant for massive spying operations aimed at American citizens has cost him dearly in California support, a recent Field Poll shows. (San Jose Mercury News) Obama dropped 10 percent in favorability — from 62 percent to 52... (Continue reading)