
School district illicitly garnered $13 million in FEMA funds?

The Paso Robles School District is getting a double wave of bad financial news ― not only is the district already facing a $1.59 million budget shortfall, but the federal government may be seeking the return of more than $13... (Continue reading)

Date a student, lose pension?

Teachers who get involved in relationships with high school students, even those 18 and over, would be stripped of their retirement benefits if a bill introduced by a Modesto lawmaker succeeds. [SacramentoBee] Republican Assemblywoman Kristen Olsen introduced the legislation after... (Continue reading)

Car crashes into building, two injured

One man is in critical condition and another man is seriously injured after the car they were driving crashed into the Pacific Coast Center on Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo on Monday at about 8:20 p.m. Allegedly driving at... (Continue reading)

Cross burning defendants offered plea agreements

The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s office offered plea agreements to the four defendants accused of committing a hate crime against a black teen in Arroyo Grande last year. [Tribune] On March 18, 2011, Jason Kahn, 36, Jeremiah Hernandez,... (Continue reading)

Free legal help for San Luis Obispo homeless

In an attempt to help homeless subjected to heavy fines from San Luis Obispo police for sleeping in their vehicles, attorneys Stew Jenkins and Saro Rizzo are working pro bono to stop what they see as illegal enforcement. At the... (Continue reading)

California lawmakers salaries highest in nation

Despite years of pay cuts spurred by the budget crisis, California legislator’ salaries remain the highest in the nation. [SacramentoBee] California lawmakers lead the nation with base pay at $95,291, trailed by Pennsylvania, $82,026, and New York, $79,500.  On Friday,... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles residents challenge chief’s rich deal

When the Paso Robles City Council agreed last week to pay Police Chief Lisa Solomon $250,000 for the embattled 46-year-old’s early “retirement,” more questions were raised than answered. Meanwhile, additional details of the city’s first female police chief’s checkered career are... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles needs new beginning

OPINION By GARY NEMETH I’m Gary Nemeth,  running for Mayor of Paso Robles because I believe in accountability, integrity, honesty, and trust you the community deserve to expect no less than the best in the leader you hire to represent... (Continue reading)

Fleetwood Mac guitarist to headline Fremont Theater show

Fleetwood Mac guitarist to headline Fremont Theater show Iconic lead guitarist Lindsey Buckingham from Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Fleetwood Mac will headline a concert at the historic Fremont Theater in downtown San Luis Obispo on Tuesday, May 8... (Continue reading)

Purse snatcher stabs man in San Luis Obispo

Late Friday night, a 24-year-old man attempting to help a San Luis Obispo woman battle a purse snatcher was stabbed in the upper body, police said. Elizabeth Key and Christopher Sebastian were walking along Madonna Road near Los Osos Valley... (Continue reading)