By DANIEL BLACKBURN A laudatory letter from his bosses extolling the professional virtues of Coast Unified School District Superintendent Chris Adams was sent home with students last week, further fractioning a divided community and raising — once again — the... (Continue reading)
OPINION By GARY NEMETH Reviewing budget recommendations made by Paso Robles City Manager Jim App, and approved by this Council, do you believe they have our health, safety and welfare in mind? Are they listening to anyone except App when... (Continue reading)
California’s government is increasingly impacted by the whim of successful voter initiatives, which have multiplied like amoeba during a half century of public availability. Data provided by the California State Senate suggest there might be as many as 885 proposed... (Continue reading)
Police arrested a Nipomo man suspected of stabbing an Oceano man repeatedly on Thursday for attempted murder. Luis Mendoza, 24, allegedly stabbed Fabian Medina, 23, following a fight in Medina’s truck. Following the altercation, the victim checked himself into the... (Continue reading)
Oceano Community Service District Board members and administrative staff have been handed two threats of litigation because of alleged violations of open meetings laws that protect public access to information and participation. Several critics have filed or voiced complaints about Oceano’s... (Continue reading)
Ask Bob Nicholson and he can point out how households and businesses are wasting water and money. He tells people how to save. Whether Nicholson’s advice is going to cost you anything depends on which hat he’s wearing that day. Nicholson makes... (Continue reading)
OPINION By ROGER FREBERG Conservative author and activist Ann Coulter will speak at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo on Feb. 28 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Chumash Auditorium in the University Union. The event is free and... (Continue reading)
City officials throughout San Luis Obispo County regularly vote to appoint themselves to local boards that pay stipends to attend meetings, a practice that a Fair Political Practices Commission staffer says violates conflict-of-interest-laws. [LATimes] Statewide, city council members and mayors... (Continue reading)
Morro Bay City Council voted 3-2 last week to ask its city attorney to draft a regulation that would ban smoking in all outdoor public places. [Tribune] Both Mayor Bill Yates and Councilman George Leage voted against having City Attorney... (Continue reading)
OPINION By GARY FREIBERG Electronic civil disobedience is being used to try to get the attention of decision makers for the financial plight of the almost 5,000 households in Los Osos/Baywood Park who face significant impact from the proposed $300... (Continue reading)