
SLO’s compassion is all hat, but no cattle.

OPINION by STEW JENKINS Once upon a time, the City of San Luis Obispo did things so smart and forward-looking that the whole country copied its good ideas. Planned growth, smoke-free restaurants and campaign finance limits, for instance. But lately,... (Continue reading)

FBI raid should be headline news

OPINION by JAMES DUENOW With all the uproar in the national news over the virus some important local developments have taken a back seat. For example it should be headline stuff when the FBI gets multiple warrants from a judge... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles woman details her coronavirus experience

OPINION by HEATHER MIKELONIS On March 7, my husband Kevin and I were exposed to the coronavirus from a couple we spent some time with, one of whom had a scratchy throat and the other had chills and fatigue the... (Continue reading)

Playing the pandemic blues

OPINION by JOHN SUMMER As someone who has spent a great deal of time in the world of journalism, I thought I’d offer my perspective on how the national media shapes what we are perceiving with this pandemic and how... (Continue reading)

District Attorney Dow objects to inmate release on zero bail

Opinion by SLO County District Attorney Dan Dow Although we face serious challenges not seen in more than one hundred years, we must earnestly reject the urge to surrender important rights under our Federal and State Constitutions. This Monday, our... (Continue reading)

Tribune is shameless Adam Hill cheerleader

OPINION by DANIEL BLACKBURN Reading the Tribune’s editorial today, my gag reflex kicked in at the very first paragraph. Let me say right off: That daily newspaper’s purposely and grievously negligent reporting on the latest, most serious, of San Luis... (Continue reading)

Coronavirus versus the Goddess of Justice

OPINION by STEW JENKINS How is the battle between the coronavirus and California’s courts going? So far, the virus is winning; but there is hope for a counterattack by the Goddess of Justice in June or July. If we are... (Continue reading)

Central Coast doctors offer advice and seek help on COVID-19

Opinion by Nels Gerhardt M.D. and Brett Wilson II M.D. Dear Friends and Neighbors, We are Emergency Physicians at Cottage Health. We live and work in this community, so we are also your neighbors, friends, and the local doctors who... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo Downtown in crisis

OPINION by ALLAN COOPER An open letter to supporters of Save Our Downtown and concerned citizens I hope you are all safe and taking the necessary precautions to stay well! For 13 years, I have been emailing you my weekly... (Continue reading)

Countdown to SLO County Supervisor Adam Hill’s lost office

OPINION by STEW JENKINS Watching Governor Andrew Cuomo as he daily leads, explains, and inspires New Yorkers to survive the Corona Virus infestation, you can see and feel earned nobility as he fulfills his obligation to serve his people. Noblesse... (Continue reading)