The U.S. attorney office today filed federal fraud and money laundering charges against the head of an Atascadero financial company alleging that he bilked investors in Central Coast real estate projects. The money was ultimately siphoned off for other purposes,... (Continue reading)
Members of the San Luis Obispo public safety workers' unions want to know why city councilman Andrew Carter is possibly violating the law in his attempts to overturn binding arbitration and implement pension reform during August's special election involving Measures... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County phone records obtained by CalCoastNews prove a personal relationship between a county official and a Los Osos board member began more than four years ago. County Public Works Director Paavo Ogren and former Los Osos Community Services... (Continue reading)
South San Luis Obispo County’s aging sewer plant continues to release inadequately treated sewage into the Pacific Ocean, according to the plant’s records. Specifically, in July, the plant was in violation of biological oxygen demand (BOD) standards it is required to... (Continue reading)
Officials at the California Men’s Colony (CMC) met last week to discuss a plan to lay off about 200 employees. Proposed layoffs at CMC include one chief deputy, two associate wardens, two captains, several lieutenants and sergeants as well as dozens... (Continue reading)
Controversial San Luis Obispo County political consultant Cory Black, who helped Ian Parkinson win the local top cop position, is being accused of plagiarism. Andrew Russo of Paramount Communications said Black plagiarized the content of his website, reproducing his words in... (Continue reading)
Manipulations of air quality forecasts in the south San Luis Obispo County region caused as many as 100 days to be given “yellow,” moderate alert, rather than “green,” safe air quality, status. An official at a San Luis Obispo County Air... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo City Council members and administrative staff have come under fire for alleged violations of open meetings laws that protect public access to information and participation. Several critics have filed or voiced complaints about the city council’s lack of... (Continue reading)
George Ramos, best known for being a three-time Pulitzer Prize-winning Los Angeles Times journalist, a Cal Poly journalism department chair, and CalCoastNews Editor has died. He was 63 years old. Police officers found Ramos’ body in a hallway of his Morro... (Continue reading)
UPDATE: The Arroyo Grande Police Department released the results of its cross burning investigation during a news conference Friday afternoon. Police say four suspects are in custody including, Orcutt resident Jason Kahn, 36, San Simeon transient Jeremiah Hernandez, 32, William Soto, 20, a... (Continue reading)