We knew when we first posted that UncoveredSLO.com would attract readers. We worried whether just two of us would be able to generate enough solid reporting to keep those readers. ... (Continue reading)
UncoveredSLO.com asked the outspoken elected city official Bill Rabenaldt to tell our readers first what he really thinks. By BILL RABENALDT 2/15/2008 After Bill Morem’s Valentine note to me in yesterday’s... (Continue reading)
Agents and officers of the San Luis Obispo County Probation Department have been burdened by policies of the department’s director which endanger the public in general and law enforcement agencies in particular according to... (Continue reading)
2/15/2008 Federal investigators will probe activities at Atascadero City Hall, according to City Attorney Brian Pierik. Pierik issued an unusual press release late today revealing... (Continue reading)
WANTED: Cal Poly engineering professors for cushy overseas assignment in upscale, sunny, beach-like environment.... (Continue reading)
She feels both a sense of excitement and apprehension about introducing into the San Luis Obispo County culture the newly-formed Central Coast Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.... (Continue reading)
Atascadero City Manager Wade McKinney will tell the city council Tuesday that federal reconstruction funds for the city’s youth center were acquired through appropriate means. ... (Continue reading)
An internal investigation has been launched by top level Atascadero officials into complaints made by male officers in the city’s police department... (Continue reading)
While California’s housing market has been swirling down the drain, the state’s largest public retirement system has been enthusiastically investing hundreds of millions of dollars into a more promising real estate market… south of... (Continue reading)
BY KAREN VELIE Employees at nonprofit French Hospital Medical Center are reportedly encouraged to seek private donors for needed equipment purchases while the facility’s chief operating officer pulls down nearly a million... (Continue reading)