Articles Tagged With ‘Debbie Arnold’

Are APCD employees underpaid?

By JOSH FRIEDMAN San Luis Obispo County Air Control District employees, most of whom receive six-figure pay and benefit packages, are due for salary increases, following a board decision Wednesday. During a closed session hearing, the APCD voiced approval for... (Continue reading)

Supervisors waffle on support for Paso Robles water bill

By DANIEL BLACKBURN A heavily-amended legislative proposal to create a “hybrid” water district for controlling the Paso Robles water basin no longer has support from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors following a circuitous, often testy discussion by... (Continue reading)

Water district bill vote process altered

By DANIEL BLACKBURN A controversial proposal to form a managing water district for the Paso Robles groundwater basin passed a Senate committee Tuesday with significant amendments. Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian (R-San Luis Obispo) agreed to the changes to his bill, AB... (Continue reading)

Supervisors vote against controversial water district formation

By KAREN VELIE The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors changed its position and voted to only support legislation to form a water district to manage the Paso Robles aquifer if it was based on the democratic principle of... (Continue reading)

Supervisors to hold vote on water district bill amendments

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors will vote on proposed amendments to a bill creating a North County water district, despite attempts by board chairman Bruce Gibson to bypass a vote. In a June 4... (Continue reading)

Arnold says Gibson misleading lawmakers

By DANIEL BLACKBURN Amendments to legislation aiding formation of a water district to manage the Paso Robles aquifer are just fine, according to county supervisors’ chairman Bruce Gibson, asserting he speaks for the entire board. Not so, said Fifth District... (Continue reading)

Water district bill gets Assembly panel nod

A bill to create a water management district for the Paso Robles water basin barely navigated its initial legislative test in Sacramento Wednesday afternoon, slipping through the Assembly Local Government Committee on a 6-1 vote. Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian (R-San Luis... (Continue reading)

Supervisors eye water basin control

In a professed attempt to better manage water resources in the North County, supervisors Tuesday voted 4-1 to approve a resolution increasing its authority over use of the Paso Robles aquifer. Supervisor Debbie Arnold cast the lone vote against the... (Continue reading)

CAB throws water on district formation plans

By DANIEL BLACKBURN A group representing hundreds of rural landowners in Creston won’t support a proposed North County water district as presently envisioned by its advocates. Sheila Lyons, chair of the Creston Advisory Body (CAB), sent a letter to Assemblyman... (Continue reading)

Los Osos wastewater project overruns lead to disagreements

San Luis Obispo County Supervisors voted 3-2 on Dec. 17 to pull the vote for an additional $4.3 million in overruns for the Los Osos sewer project from the consent agenda so that the public can participate in the decision.... (Continue reading)