December, 2009

Body discovered in Shell Beach, foul play suspected

By KAREN VELIE The Pismo Beach Police Department is investigating the discovery of a body on the rocks near Spindrift Village in Shell Beach. “We are not ruling out foul play,” said Pismo Beach Police Department Public Commander Jake Miller.... (Continue reading)

The PG&E stealth measure

Is Pacific Gas and Electric trying to pull a fast one on California voters next November? Los Angeles Times business columnist Michael Hiltzik certainly thinks so, at least based on his Sunday column. According to Hiltzik, PG&E is the major force... (Continue reading)

Arnold seeks help from feds

Faced with a $21 billion budget deficit, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is turning to Washington for help. However, the governor, according to published reports, isn’t seeking more stimulus money or a bailout. Instead, Schwarzenegger is expected to ask President Obama to... (Continue reading)

Here comes Restaurant Month

SLO County restaurants are gearing up for January and the annual Restaurant Month celebration. Sunday’s San Francisco Chronicle gave the event some nice regional coverage in their Travel section. Designed to keep business hopping in the traditionally slow post-holiday period,... (Continue reading)

Kevin McCarthy, Republican recruiter

As some aging Republicans have become entirely too divisive, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has managed to get broad support from a party hoping for a big win in 2010. [Miami Herald] McCarthy, chosen by Congressional insiders as the Republican member... (Continue reading)

It must be the curry

The 86-year-old (that’s right 86!) governor of a southern India state resigned Saturday after a television station broadcast a tape allegedly showing him in bed with one-two-three women. The San Francisco Chronicle has the story. Eat your heart out, Jack... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Avatar

BY ADI JONES James Cameron’s newest release “Avatar” is certainly a film that will be remembered for years to come. Having grossed $77 million in its first weekend, it is certain that one thing is true — Cameron’s still got... (Continue reading)

Warm holiday wishes from CalCoastNews

We’d like to take a moment to thank you, our readers. We’re here because of your interest in our community- the people and places that make it such a unique place to live. We have much to celebrate as 2009... (Continue reading)

13 hours a week now average for Net users

A new study shows that the average person is now spending around 13 hours a week on the Internet, including email. This week’s Harris Poll found that 80 percent of all Americans currently go online, either through work or the... (Continue reading)

Malibu on The Edge

Everyone in the world seems to be a fan of the classic rock band U2 — except perhaps residents of Malibu, who are more than concerned by band member David Evans’ (aka The Edge) plan to build five eco-friendly estates... (Continue reading)