New state laws take effect today

January 1, 2010

In with the New Year comes hundreds of new laws out of Sacramento, covering everything from plastic surgery, to trans fats, to controls over paparazzi. [Los Angeles Times]

Lawmakers also added two new statewide days of recognition: March 30, in honor of Vietnam veterans, and May 22, to celebrate slain gay-rights leader Harvery Milk.

Starting Jan. 1, 2010, penalities for betting in office pools are reduced, but fines for watching a dog fight are increased. Dairy farmers are banned from cutting cows’ tails and penalties are increased for human trafficking and providing minors with nitrous oxide. California restaurants are no longer allowed to use oils and shortening with more than a gram of trans fat per serving.

New laws also create the California Blueberry Commission and exempts the City of Industry from certain environment laws so they can proceed with a new professional football stadium. You’ll have to have a physical exam if you want cosmetic surgery. And if you chase celebrities with a camera, you can be fined up to $50,000 if you violate their “personal or familial” space.

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New laws cost money and that is what it’s about if there are no new laws then we don’t need lawmakers anymore, fire them all! Start self governing ourselves, most of us are sick to death of hearing about another,(NEW LAW), let’s stick to the basics, never lie, cheat or steal, rape or kill. Can’t do this, can’t do that, land of the free, more like land of the greedy!

Reply to myself sorry I seem a little whacked, but I feel the public should be much more a part of law making and law taking away. Example the marijuana, initiative, heavier sentences for the defrauding of senior citizens. These laws should be given a fair vote by all, and the law should be further amended, to have the citizens be able to vote out any law by a 2/3 majority.

And start over!

New law, If you are gay and you married your partner in Mass. before the passage of Prop 8 You are legally married in Cailf.

HA HA HA take that Prop8 backers! Prop 8 is going to go down faster than $10 flash girl on a busy street!

Chese dosen’t know what on earth you mean by this and would like you to clarify, asap,

“Prop 8 is going to go down faster than $10 flash girl on a busy street!” call me stupid but I just don’t get it.

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by CalCoastNews, Ana Paula. Ana Paula said: New state laws take effect today: You'll have to have a physical exam if you want cosmetic surgery. And if .. […]