August, 2010

Fire Chief John Callahan’s memorial service, photos

Almost a thousand people paid their respects to San Luis Obispo Fire Chief John Callahan at his memorial service Friday morning. The chief’s casket was transported in a horse-drawn 1906 Seagrave Chemical Wagon to his memorial which was held at... (Continue reading)

Spotlight: What’s happening this weekend

By LETICIA RODRIGUEZ Continue to embrace the great weather the Central Coast has been experiencing this weekend by heading out to see some great music acts and a few sporting events. So slather on some sunscreen and prepare for a... (Continue reading)

State worker suicide on the increase

The number of calls from state employees for workplace grief counseling has doubled as officials also grapple with a rise in employee suicide. [Sacramento Bee] Counselors met 33 times in 2009 with state employees traumatized by the suicide of a... (Continue reading)

CSU violated law in not disclosing Sarah Palin’s pay

A California judge ruled that California State University at Stanislaus’ refusal to disclose the amount it paid Sarah Palin for a speech violated the California’s Public Record Act. [CourthouseNews] CSU Stanislaus paid Palin $75,000, plus first class air fare and... (Continue reading)

KSBY to broadcast Callahan service

KSBY-TV is providing live coverage of Fire Chief John Callahan’s memorial service Friday morning. More than 2000 people are expected to attend the public service Friday morning at the Performing Arts Center on the Cal Poly campus. KSBY coverage is... (Continue reading)

This week’s dumbest criminal

This week’s dumbest criminal award goes to a couple of thieves who left their clothes and a sex video of themselves at a home they allegedly burglarized in Elma, Wash. on Monday. [Seattlepi] The pair was shooting a sex video... (Continue reading)

World without lawyers?

Do you ever wonder what the world would be like without lawyers? A World Without Lawyers – The most popular videos are here From the  Consumer Attorneys of California some of the 169,294 active members of the State Bar of... (Continue reading)

California law seeking to ‘cure’ gays under scrutiny

Legislation to eliminate a 60-year-old law requiring the state to ‘cure” gays and lesbians has been sent to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. [MercuryNews] The long-ignored provision in the Welfare and Institution Code classifies gays as deviants. It requires the Department of... (Continue reading)

Homeless ordered to vacate Sunny Acres

A San Luis Obispo Superior Court judge denied Dan de Vaul’s request to reconsider his previous ruling that the homeless have to vacate Sunny Acres because the buildings and facilities on the site are too dangerous for tenants. [KSBY] For... (Continue reading)

Solar energy plant granted approval

California regulators gave final approval for construction of the first large-scale solar energy plant to be approved in two decades. [NewYorkTimes] After more than two-years of environmental review, the California Energy Commission approved the 250-megawatt Beacon Solar Energy Project planned... (Continue reading)