October, 2010

Templeton man charged with child porn

San Luis Obispo Sheriff deputies arrested a Templeton resident Friday on five charges including lewd or lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14, incest, possessing material depicting a minor under the age of 14 engaging in or... (Continue reading)

Google developing self-driving cars

The future has arrived. It is coming by car. And apparently, according to experts, the car is driving itself. Google officials revealed Saturday that they are hard at work on road-testing cars driven, not by humans, but by artificial intelligence.... (Continue reading)

Egg Drop at Orcutt Academy High School, event photos

Over 80 excited students proffered their “egg-o-nauts” for 50-ft test drops from the Santa Maria Fire Department’s ladder truck.  Each of these creations sheltered a raw chicken egg in a custom-designed mantle.  Each had a maximum mass of 100 g... (Continue reading)

Schwarzenegger targets poor with budget cuts

Just before he signed the new budget on Friday, Gov. Arnold Schwazenegger slashed nearly $1 billion in spending for welfare, child care, special education, and other programs. [LA Times] The governor slashed 23 line items from the $87.5-billion general fund... (Continue reading)

Travel: Rafting with the Hualapai

By DAVID CONGALTON Second in a series When it comes to whitewater rafting, certain rivers pop into mind. Folks talk up the American River and the Kern River and the Upper Sacramento, or the Lower Klamath. All fine places, I’m... (Continue reading)

Parkinson responds

Ian Parkinson, the front runner in the November election for county Sheriff, defended his actions Thursday as an expert witness in a 2000 civil trial. [KSBY] Parkinson has come under criticism after CalCoastNews reported that the San Luis Obispo police... (Continue reading)

Chris Isaak concert, event photos

For one memorable night, the incomparable Chris Isaak rocked the Avila Beach resort with his rockabilly-rebel style music. The grand finale of last weekend’s Savor the Central Coast included wine tastings paired with complimentary appetizers and a fireworks display. If... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles man challenges Congressman McCarthy

A Paso Robles man has launched a write-in campaign challenging Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfield for a chance to represent the 22nd Congressional District. [Bakersfield.com] John Uebersax said he is running on a platform of ending the wars in Afghanistan and... (Continue reading)

Whitman outspends Brown 14 to 1; still trails

Despite spending nearly $120 million of her personal fortune, roughly a 14 to 1 advantage over opponent Jerry Brown, Republican Meg Whitman is trailing in recent polls. [California Watch] Analysts say that Whitman is still being battered by recent accusations... (Continue reading)

Ian Parkinson: Witness for hire

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff candidate Ian Parkinson’s testimony as an expert witness in a 2000 civil case helped his sister-in-law Rita Tavernetti collect a $1.4 million dollar settlement, causing some to question Parkinson's ethics. By his own account, Parkinson, currently... (Continue reading)