The Jan Marx-Kathy Smith-Patty Andreen connection

December 11, 2010

Local activist Kevin P. Rice, who has applied for the open San Luis Obispo City Council seat, is claiming a conflict-of-interest between two sitting council members and another candidate for the vacancy.

Rice obtained documents from the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office that indicates that Patty Andreen, also a candidate for the council vacancy, donated a combined $900 to the Marx mayoral and the Smith council campaigns in last month’s election.

Andreen, who lost the race for District III county supervisor to Jerry Lenthall in 2004, also hosted a “Meet Jan Marx” fundraiser on Oct. 3.

“Should a personal friend be appointed to the city council?” Rice asked in an email sent to council members.

Rice, Andreen, and Dan Carpenter are the three candidates for the open council seat, scheduled to be filled at the Dec. 21 council meeting.

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Why would Marx and company appoint Patty Andreen when she has a history of not completing commitments?


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Kathy Smith quit the SLO City Council before? Didn’t she just up and quit? And the citizen’s of this community voted her back in???? Someone needs to be brought in to clean up our City and County entities. Happienst Place on Earth? It use to be. I am disappointed that Jan Marx is even considering this move. I suppose she is friends with Ian Parkinson??????????

Kathy Smith was originally appointed. She then ran and won. She quit a little more than a year into her term for a better deal. If she would not have had the DCC’s Rolodex behind her in the last election, she would never have run, much less run.

Patty Andreen ran for a seat on the SLOC Board of Supervisors. She lost. Then she was appointed (see a pattern developing?) to the SLO Coastal Unified School District. She quit (yes there does seem to be a pattern) before completing her appointment.

Now Andreen wants to slither into Marx’s vacated seat after running Marx’s campaign. San Luis Obispo deserves better…


The council CANNOT appoint an inside contributor and the mayor’s campaign manager. It’s crooked and corrupt. Now, if we held an election and Andreen got ELECTED, that’s a different story. But you cannot appoint buddies and donors. It is nothing less than cronyism and incestuous nepotism. Sorry, but you cannot get around that without an ELECTION.

And, we haven’t gotten around to the insider emails and endorsements from other influential power players… at least not YET.

Anyone with an actual understanding of the history of our beloved San Luis Obispo knows that crooked politics was once commonplace here locally. I would hate to see that become the norm again.

I notice Mr. Rice, that your detractors attack you personally. They don’t attack your message. Their ad hominem attacks bring credibility to what you are trying to accomplish while destroying their own credibility. I would choose your own passion over their apathetic indignation anytime. Keep doing what you are doing.


Haven’t you noticed the City of S.L.O is exempt from rules other cities adhere to? The counsel and supervisors are corrupt and need to be investigated into the back room deals.


That’s nothing new. He uses several aliases on the trib site and was caught voting “likes” for himself many times. If your on the right side why must you cheat, lie, intimidate, and harass. One time he was caught using an alias and he wrote, “Sometimes my friend and I use the same computer”.

I am seeing the same pattern.

Sorry, there is no legal reason why a contributor and campaign manager can’t be appointed to the council. It may be sleazy but not illegal.

If the four incumbent left-wingers appoint a fifth left-winger there will be no avoiding responsibility for the city’s plight come next election. None of these people has seriously addressed in public the financial crisis facing the city and what measures are going to need to be taken to right the ship.


Your comments sound both accurate and chilling. If Andreen is appointed, the only person governing our city that I would have even a modicum of faith in is Carter. I honestly hope Dan Carpenter or even Kevin Rice is appointed instead of Andreen.

SLO is going to get creamed in the coming two years without strong leadership. Leadership Marx and the rest of her DCC cronies simply are not up to providing…

I like Patty Andreen and would have voted for her if she ran for city council. The relationships between these people, just as with the men, cannot be avoided. They just can’t. Selecting a person to join a team, a person with whom we know nothing is just as stupid as putting a “friend” in place. We all know this. Relationships in small towns cannot be avoided, nor should they be. What should be avoided is putting only people that you know, or worse, putting only people in that you “like.” Having a strong team of women on the SLO City Council would be a first. In other words, we have always had a strong team of man. How’d that work out for us? If Jan picks Patty, I say go for it, let’s see what they can do! It may be one of the best things that ever happened to SLO.

On the other hand, if it was me, I’d pick Dan. Because the voters already did. How many votes was he beat by?

On the other hand, Dan did not win, and the rules allow for a vacant seat to be filled. Which means it’s perfectly fine to pick Patty. Just pick already.

I have had the total displeasure of knowing Patty Andreen for 5 horrible years and I will tell you the woman is as crooked as they come. The woman loves herself because she wears the pants in the family as I feel sorry for her husband Ken. I have no idea what he sees in her but Patty for office, think twice and think about Bell County California. She spends on herself but leaves the trash for everybody else and I will tell you she is no politician but only another lawyer who can’t find a job but waste people’s time yabbing her loud month off everywhere she goes. I was at a point to put a restraining order on this woman for bugging the hell out of neighborhood as she thinks she is the law, not! The woman has a history of problems and I will be fine to post her on youtube for her mistakes caught on video as we don’t need another liberal trying to run this city when we are already in trouble now with over spending, the last thing we need is Patty messing it up more.

It’s not a coincidence that Jan Marks happens to know Patty Andreen. Andreen worked for Marks’ campaign. This is more like payback for favours rendered. I’m not sure that Andreen and Marks are really friends, more like comrades. Maybe Marks wanted another “card carrying member” on board so SLO could start a May Day parade.

I have had the total displeasure of knowing Patty Andreen for 5 years and I will tell you the woman is as crooked as they come. The woman loves herself because you need to think twice and think about what happened in Bell County California. She spends on herself but leaves the mess for everybody else and I will tell you she is no politician but only another lawyer who can’t find a job but waste people’s time yabbing her loud month off everywhere she goes. I was at a point to put a restraining order on this woman for bugging the neighborhood as she thinks she is the law. The woman has a history of physiological problems and I will be fine to post her on youtube for her mistakes caught on video as we don’t need another liberal trying to run this city when we are already in trouble now with over spending, the last thing we need is Patty messing it up more.

To all.

I have had the total displeasure of knowing Patty Andreen for 5 years and I will tell you the woman is as crooked as they come. The woman thinks about herself and treats others like trash as the way she treated us. If you remember Bell County California this year well that is what could happen if we let her in City Council.

Patty Andreen is another liberal lawyer who can’t find a job but wants to waste people’s time yabbing her loud month off everywhere she goes. I was at a point to put a restraining order on this woman for bugging me and neighborhood as she thinks she is the law but doesn’t. The woman has a history of physiological problems that I just may have to put her craziness on youtube so people will know the real Patty Andreen..

I don’t like Patty Andreen at all, she has a history of problems that I might call to report to Karen to write a story about her.

This is ridiculous and non-productive. The voters voted and the person that should be appointed to the city council is the one that was left not appointed that had the highest votes, which I believe is Dan Carpenter. While I didn’t vote for Mr. Carpenter, I believe this should be the case. This is who the voters voted for.


Dan Carpenter received less than 1% fewer votes then Kathy Smith. Smith had the Democratic Central Committee (DCC) machine behind her, Carpenter did not. Further, Mr. Carpenter received greater than 10% move votes than the 4th place finisher.

Carpenter should be appointed.

This garbage where someone manages a campaign (where the candidate is running from a safe seat) as Andreen did so they can receive political quid pro quo and be appointed to their client’s vacated seat needs to end. SLO will nosedive as a community if machine politics (such as the DCC has recently introduced) becomes the norm.

I live in San Luis Obispo, not Santa Cruz and I don’t want SLO to turn into Santa Cruz. If the DCC keeps up their shenanigans by making local politics so partisan there is sure to be a strong backlash. That’s when things will really begin to go down the toilet.

Knock it off, Marx and company…


As long as we get rid of Patty Andreen to prevent another Bell County issue.

To Ms.Marx, I hope you have a much stronger desire to go after the big players as a mayor than you did as a lawyer. It was quite disappointing to hear you tell my wife there to big to go after, we don’t have a chance. Do the right thing, please.

“Should a personal friend be appointed to city council” you ask because its a conflict of interest? Good God I say, how do you think this counties politics work. Isn’t this how most of these shysters stay in the green by having pals like the mayor of a certain city in south county handing them to hand them work to keep them in buisness? And for Mr Rice, surely your efforts at becoming a council member could better spent being an activist exposing some of the bigger problems in this county.

Mr. “Waterman”:


Perhaps an unelected insider appointed to council is not a “bigger problem” for you. I prefer elected representatives. You are free to actively pursue the issues that concern you.

ANSWER : selected by the elected! this is how our city council actually works, if the selected want another term then they have to join the elected crowd in the usual way. Why even have a city council if we can spend all our time voting for every thing instead? re; Dalidio mess, enough with the ‘special’ elections let our elected leaders lead.


voter fatigue kills effective government.

zaphod, You woefully confuse voting on every single matter with the right to vote for our representatives themselves.

By your logic, why vote at all? It’s too fatiguing and we don’t really want democracy, do we?


No kidding, Lucia?


This is so very sleazy. Machine politics comes to SLO. Andreen (who got beaten in her bid to join the SLOC board of supervisors and prematurely quite her appointment to SLOUSD school board) supports Marx as a fellow member of the local Democratic Central Committee (DCC). In return a little patronage — an appointment to the SLO city council. This is sickening.

Now we can be certain that Marx failed to relinquish her council seat in part to ensure she could take care of her campaign manager (if not in name then in function) Andreen.

Our mayor-elect and 3 of 4 councilpersons are deeply involved with the DCC. We don’t need the final seat to be filled by yet another DCC loyalist. A loyalist like Andreen who lacked the integrity to even run for council.

I would hope that members of the SLO City Council read some of Kevin’s (Righton/SLORider) comments at the trib and here over the past several months to find out his true character.

I hope that members of the SLO City Council realize that patronage won’t be tolerated in San Luis Obispo. Andreen was Marx’s de-facto campaign manager. They are both neck-deep in the Democratic Central Committee. Choosing Andreen (someone already rejected by voters and someone who has demonstrated they cannot serve-out other appointments) is a clear conflict of interest.

The DCC is disgusting in its quest to make local politics so partisan. They dragged Kathy Smith out of mothballs because she’s a party loyalist. Now they are trying to slime Andreen into Marx’s old slot. Wake-up Marx — you and your crew aren’t fooling anyone…

It will show that he stands by his word and doesn’t waver. He speaks his true convictions and doesn’t care who it angers in the process. It would be a breath of fresh air to have Rice appointed to the city council.

Hey ThomasPaine, thanks soooo much for reminding us of this…..again. I hope you finally received the attention you were seeking. The lack of response to your previous posts about this were likely because we have moved on.

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