New Times barred from city budget meeting

New Times was shown the door when a reporter tried to cover the first meeting of a new advisory committee, formed to provide input to the San Luis Obispo city manager on budget issues. [New Times] The Financial Sustainability Task... (Continue reading)

Surfer bitten by shark in Shell Beach

A 19-year-old man was bitten on the foot by a small shark while surfing Friday evening near Shell Beach. Beaches are remaining open, though Advisories have been posted. The young man was attacked just before 7 p.m. by a shark,... (Continue reading)

Singing the San Luis baseball blues

OPINION BY LESLIE RAMSEY HALLS I am a minority shareholder in the San Luis Blues baseball franchise. I purchased a 5 percent share in the team in 1998. Over the years I contributed considerable time, effort, and money to keep... (Continue reading)

State worker pay cut now a standoff

Both sides in Sacramento seem to be claiming victory on the issue of a temporary pay cut for state workers. The courts ruled once again Friday in favor of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s right to pay state workers a minimum wage... (Continue reading)

Shell Beach residents battling sea birds

A colony of Cormorants’ invasion into a Shell Beach neighborhood has left homes splattered with excrement and neighbors questioning why they were forced to allow the birds to nest in their neighborhood. Cormorants are known to move into an area, cover... (Continue reading)

Spotlight: What’s happening this weekend

Dancing, Fourth of July celebrations and politically charged comedy are just some of the highlights coming to the Central Coast in the next week. Head on over to Mitchell Park in San Luis Obispo Friday at 6 p.m. to enjoy the... (Continue reading)

Controller refuses to cut state workers’ pay

State Controller John Chiang announced Thursday that he would strongly defy Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s order to pay state workers minimum wage “until the courts hand down a final resolution.” [LA Times] Earlier in the day, the governor had ordered all... (Continue reading)

Undersheriff blood-alcohol content was 0.086

The San Luis Obispo County undersheriff recently arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence had a preliminary blood-alcohol content of 0.086. [Tribune] The legal limit for driving in California is 0.08. According to the Atascadero Police report, Steve Bolts... (Continue reading)

Blakeslee, Laird agree to five debates

Republican Sam Blakeslee and Democrat John Laird will meet in five debates between now and the August 17 state Senate runoff election. The two candidates advanced after the June 22nd primary from an original field of four candidates. Blakeslee accepted... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly department head accused of sexism

As the result of allegations of sexism and poor leadership, the chair of the journalism department’s job is on the line, CalCoastNews has learned. The news has raised the hackles of some students, faculty and staff who take issue with the... (Continue reading)