Cash for clunker appliances

Does your old refrigerator rattle while it guzzles energy like an SUV in need of a tune up? A federal government rebate program could help you rid your home of that clunker appliance. [KEYT] However, you might need to act... (Continue reading)

Pozo drug bust called into question

Police arrested eight people at a concert in Pozo last Sunday on various counts of minor drug dealing, causing some to question the cost of the large undercover operation and its questionable results. At the so-called “420 Festival” of more than... (Continue reading)

Maldonado gets another chance at lieutenant governor confirmation

The nomination of state Senator Abel Maldonado (R-Santa Maria) to be California’s next lieutenant governor is apparently back in play after an earlier rejection [San Francisco Chronicle] The state Assembly, which voted to reject Maldonado last February, is scheduled to... (Continue reading)

Council expands Mardi Gras penalties

The San Luis Obispo City Council voted unanimously to expand the Safety Enhancement Zone Ordinance currently in place for Mardi Gras to include St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween. There will be stricter penalties for those who break the law, additional... (Continue reading)

Historic proposed state policy against use of sea water

By JACK McCURDY A landmark new state policy that for the first time would restrict and phase out use of estuary, delta and ocean water for cooling coastal power plants has drawn the adamant opposition of the Coastal Alliance on... (Continue reading)

State parks fee likely to be on November ballot

Make room on the November ballot for yet another measure–environmental groups have apparently gathered enough signatures to let voters decide whether to charge California motorists $18 a year to help state parks. [San Jose Mercuy News] Petition organizers submitted 760,000... (Continue reading)

Avila Beach web cam voyeurism

A couple of restaurants in Avila Beach thought it was a good way to promote themselves. They positioned a video camera outdoors last winter so website visitors could check out live action of the waves, the weather and maybe decide... (Continue reading)

Introducing Eye on the Coast

This weekend, we launched our new Eye on the Coast photo gallery. The gallery provides our readers a new window into the many unique events, people and places in our community. Our photo galleries can be easily viewed as either... (Continue reading)

Napa winery plays with fire in criticizing fire fighters

In a reminder as to why many people prefer to remain anonymous in posting comments, particularly those criticizing public servants, a Napa Valley winery has become the target of an intense boycott by local fire fighters–over a Letter to the... (Continue reading)

Thousands flock to first Marijuana Expo

Approximately 15,000 marijuana enthusiasts turn out in the Bay Area over the weekend for the International Cannabis and Hemp Expo–the first trade show in the U.S. to allow on-site pot smoking. [San Francisco Chronicle] It took organizers four years to... (Continue reading)