February, 2011

Concern over Smart Meters increases

The debate over the safety of PG&E Smart meters continues in northern California. A property manager in Marina recently installed cages around the 142 electric and gas meters in the 70-unit apartment complex on Monterey Bay in response to PG&E’s... (Continue reading)

Congress considering extending jobless benefits

The long-termed unemployed would receive an additional 14 weeks of benefits under a bill introduced in Congress this week. [CaliforniaWatch] In California, there are more than 330,000 people who have exhausted the maximum 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, recently dubbed... (Continue reading)

Brown flies solo to LA chamber speech

Gov. Jerry Brown flew from Sacramento to Los Angeles Thursday morning to deliver a major speech before the Chamber of Commerce. That, in and of itself, is not news. But people are talking because the new California governor made the trip... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo Police arrest murder suspect

San Luis Obispo Police officers arrested a Santa Maria man suspected of the attempted murder of a 21-year-old on Sunday. Cole Sterling Milton, 19, is suspected of repeatedly stabbing Justin Hirsh near the intersection of Nipomo and High Streets with... (Continue reading)

Weather forecast for Thursday February 9

By JOHN LINDSEY from PG&E SEA SWELL: Today’ 4 to 6-foot west-northwesterly (285-degree deep-water) swell (with an 8 to 17-second period) will continue at this height and period along our coastline through tonight, decreasing to 3 to 4-feet (with an... (Continue reading)

Oceano water sale rejected

After hours of public comments and debate, the members of the Oceano Service District on Wednesday voted 3-2 against the sale of 100 acre feet of water to Pismo Beach. Oceano is in serious financial trouble with failing infrastructure and... (Continue reading)

Group wages battle against Glenn Beck

A group of San Luis Obispo County residents, prompted by last month’s shootings in Tucson, Ariz. that left six dead, has mounted a campaign to pressure local radio stations to limit what they call “hate talk.” Since January, outspoken critics of... (Continue reading)

McCarthy drops by White House for private lunch

House Majority Whip and Republican congressman Kevin McCarthy has a special lunch date Wednesday. He’ll be eating in the private dining room of the White House with President Obama and Vice-President Biden. [LA Times] McCarthy, whose congressional district includes parts... (Continue reading)

No comment? Or just lie?

OPINION By DANIEL BLACKBURN In the wrenching aftermath of the deeply disturbing slaying of teenager Dystiny Myers, local news reporters encountered a virtual blackout of details from investigators. So when KCCN.tv published an account last October relating some of the... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande gets new elevator, non-profits get the shaft

Arroyo Grande city officials are looking to take monies granted to local non-profits to cover the cities miscalculations for the cost of placing an elevator in the cities new city hall building. City officials, utilizing estimates provided by the city engineer... (Continue reading)