Double dipping and moonlighting at Cal Poly

December 1, 2011

Warren Baker


During a time of stagnant professor salaries, laid off lecturers, and increasing student tuition and fees, some California Polytechnic State University administrator compensations are increasing through raises, double dipping and moonlighting.

Former Cal Poly president Warren Baker is taking home about $572,622 a year for working part-time at Cal Poly, two directorships and his CalPERS retirement while another former CSU president, Robert Detweiler, is taking home $281,800 while working part-time.

Before Baker retired in 2010, his annual income for serving as the president of Cal Poly and two directorships was $538,724.

While serving as the highest paid university president in the California State University system with a salary of $328,000 a year, in 2009 Baker was also making an additional $210,724 in compensation for serving as director for John Wiley & Sons, Inc. – a publisher of higher education books – and Westport Innovations – a gas engine company in Canada, according to Forbes.

Known as elusive, Baker was rarely seen in his office; on a campus where parking space shortages can discourage the most determined student, Baker’s private spot often remained vacant. The Mustang Daily once offered a prize for any photo taken of Baker on campus. No one succeeded.

During the summer of 2010, Baker retired, was given a new office at Cal Poly, a new assistant and an increase in annual compensation.

CSU Chancellor Charles Reed gave Baker a new title, special assistant to the chancellor, with a yearly salary of $109,834 for working at least 18.5 hours per week, according to a July 2010 letter from Reed to Baker.

In addition to his CSU job salary, Baker receives $240,952 in CalPERS retirement and about $221,836 for his two directorships, according to the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility website. (While Baker is currently serving both directorships according the company websites, his last salary rate listed for Wiley John & Sons, Inc. is for 2010 and for Westport Innovations is for 2009.)

Another former CSU top administrator, Robert Detweiler, was formerly the president of CSU Dominguez Hills. He retired and was given the job of interim provost at Cal Poly in 2004. After a few years, he started teaching part-time for a salary of $50,701 on top of his annual retirement benefit of $189,000, for an annual compensation of $239,701, according to the California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility website and the California state Controllers Office.

Detweiler is currently the interim Dean of the School of Education at Cal Poly working part-time at no more than 960 hours per year, said Stacia Momburg,  Cal Poly public relations spokesperson. He receives $100,800 for his current position plus his CalPERS retirement for a total yearly compensation of $281,800.

Meanwhile, CSU trustees voted to raise tuition by 9 percent last month, the second raise in a year. With increased fees and tuition, the cost of attending a CSU has more than tripled since 2002-03.

During the past two school years, CSU Chancellor Reed has spent about $6 million in award equity and pay raises to about 550 management employees. At the same time, Reed rejecting third-party recommendations to honor modest equity increases to almost 2,900 faculty members who were eligible for the program, according to the California Faculty Association website.

The CFA is currently asking members to approve a one-day strike on one or more of the CSU campuses because of issues with Chancellor Reed’s budget priorities.

“By prioritizing executive pay and perks over the needs of students, faculty and staff, Chancellor Reed has chosen a path that hurts the CSU and all of California,” the CFA says on its website. “Students are paying more for less. Meanwhile, we are working more for less.”

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I happen to know that Dr. Detweiler is working is butt off. It’s only “part-time” because as a retiree he’s not permitted to be back at work fulltime. Now whether he was every worth the 200k-300k he made as a college president, I doubt it, but he’s not lollygagging around these days.

Administrative salaries are clearly too high. Likewise there are too many administrative positions. However, I don’t get how retired employees are supposed to be enticed back to work without paying them? Is the suggestion that all retirees should go back and work to collect their pension? If that’s the new rule lets apply it to everyone.

“It’s only “part-time” because as a retiree he’s not permitted to be back at work fulltime”

So in other words, Detweiler is intentionally gaming the system so he can collect his retirement and a paycheck at the same time?

That makes no sense. Are you saying he should come back and work for free? That anyone collecting a pension should have to come back and work?

The original poster implied that Detweiler would gladly work more hours if he was “allowed” to do and still stay “retired” (I.E. continue to receive retirement benefits). If he would gladly work more hours, then *why did he retire*?

Retirement benefits are designed to provide you with an income because you are no longer working. If you still want to work and are still receiving an income from work, then why should you be receiving your full retirement benefits? If you want to work half time and get half your retirement benefits, fine, but it’s ridiculous when people game the system so they can double or triple dip while still getting a part time salary.

Ain’t crony capitalism great, folks? Oh, well…..I’m wondering why we even bother to complain. This is how our system is designed to work, isn’t it? An elite makes the rules, takes advantage of them any way it pleases, and the rest of us just follow along and do as we’re told. It’s always been like that, hasn’t it? Corruption is as American as apple pie!

In today’s political climate, chronic complainers are “terrorists,” aren’t they?

Detweiler actually does a job–works in a position until a permanent replacement is found. Baker is the culprit with his part-time “Chancellor” job obviously set up to pay him off for retiring. Why a former President of Cal Poly would stoop to ripping off the system and his own campus is beyond me. Greed.

I wonder how many books that are carried in the El Corral Bookstore are a Wiley John & Sons publications? Professors get to choose their books as long as it meets the criteria. Talk about conflict of interest as was pointed out in another post. Unbelievable. Exactly Roger, the students need to quit feeding the beast. One of the biggest on campus is the bookstore!

I commend Karen on the accuracy of her article!

There is a way to address this… scroll to the bottom of the posts to view my suggestions.


Theres an old saying: When you get to the level they are at, “The less you do the more you make or the more you make the less you do”

“$572,622 a year for working part-time (Doing what part time now and doing what full time then?!) at Cal Poly, two directorships and his CalPERS retirement”

Don’t forget to add in his Social Security.

This is one thing OWS and Tea Party has in common: When times are bad only the 99% suffer and suffer dearly, when times are good only the 1% benefit.

Is anyone really surprised by any of this?

I have a neighbor who openly brags about his extra hours and overtime, and how it is boosting his retirement package to “more than I make now as an employee”…

How does a new president function with the old president in an office right down the hall? Pretty sick, but, hey, if you’re a special agent of the Chancellor, I guess it’s your job to muck up the works. (Chancellor’s office — nothing but overpaid bureaucrats — eats up an annual budget equal to the total of the 5 smallest CSU campuses combined — total waste, do no educating, just nasty, nasty people. Chancellor’s office should be eliminated, and let campus presidents run things. Use funds now going to Chancellor for actual education.) Baker should get out of the campus, out of the CSU (unless he works for free as a volunteer), and get back to his mountain top mansion in Avila. Maybe CCN could look into how he got his mansion: rumored to have been built by contractors also doing work for CP, who charged, shall we say, less than market rates. Just rumors, folks, but Karen could surely inflate them into a story we could all rant about.

Yet another reason for the state to get out of the pension business. 401k for all. Personally I’d rather have a 401k than a part of a slush fund promise from govt.