Sanitation district fires second alleged whistleblower

By KAREN VELIE Another South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District worker who complained to state and local regulators that the district had violated laws was terminated on Friday. Over the past few years, former shift supervisor Scott Mascolo reported incidents... (Continue reading)

Carter gets his special election on binding arbitration

The San Luis Obispo City Council decided Tuesday night to let residents vote in a special mail-in election to determine the future of binding arbitration for public safety employees. [Tribune] Council members unanimously agreed to put two issues before city... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo supervisors in favor of a new women’s jail

The San Luis Obispo County Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to move forward on plans to construct a new women’s jail. The current jail is overcrowded with at times more than 70 inmates packed into a space built for 43... (Continue reading)

The complexities of the budget

OPINION By Congresswoman Lois Capps - We have a big problem with our federal budget deficit. If not properly addressed, it threatens our long term economic future and could stunt our children’s future opportunities. We simply must address... (Continue reading)

Wine exports rebound

California’s wine business is booming again setting a new record in 2010, following a gloomy 2009. U.S. wine exports shot up 25.6 percent in 2010 to a record $1.14 billion in winery revenues, according to the San Francisco-based Wine Institute. Volume... (Continue reading)

Lily Tomlin after party sponsored by GALA, event photos

Following an incredible performance by Lily Tomlin at the Cal Poly’s Cohan Center, GALA held an after party, complete with a laser show and live music, at the San Luis Obispo Childrens’ Museum. If you would like to buy a... (Continue reading)

Weather forecast for Monday February 22

By JOHN LINDSEY from PG&E SEA SWELL: Today’s 3 to 5-foot northwesterly (300-degree deep-water) sea and swell (with a 5 to 11-second period) is forecast to continue along our coastline through Tuesday morning, increasing to 4 to 6-feet (with a... (Continue reading)

Spotlight on salaries for redevelopment officials

As Gov. Jerry Brown continues to push for state redevelopment funds to be shifted over to education, the spotlight is beginning to shine on the salaries being paid to some heads of local redevelopment agencies. [California Watch] The state’s 400... (Continue reading)

Nation rebuilding starts at home

OPINION By Roger Freberg - Around the world there are plans, strategies and formulas for nation rebuilding. Some of the basic questions are best addressed by setting priorities, not so much for what we want as for what is really needed.... (Continue reading)

The death of blogging

Spending your time maintaining a blog? Forget about it. New research shows that more and more Internet consumers, especially among the young, are abandoning traditional blogs and posting everything on sites like Facebook and Twitter. [NY Times] The Internet and... (Continue reading)