January, 2013

Cal Poly float wins humor prize in Rose Parade

The Cal Poly rose float won the Bob Hope Humor Trophy Tuesday for the most comical entry into the 2013 Tournament of Roses Parade. [KCOY] Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and Pamona’s joint effort float, “Tuxedo Air” consisted of penguins... (Continue reading)

CalCoastNews’ top stories of 2012

By CALCOASTNEWS STAFF “Law enforcement officers have names for the girls offering them sex on the beat: Badge Bunny. Holster Sniffer. Uniform Jumper. Handcuff Hugger. In Paso Robles, brethren in blue have one more: The Chief.” And with those words... (Continue reading)

CHP investigators discover video of hit and run vehicle

California Highway Patrol investigators have discovered surveillance footage of the truck involved in a hit and run that injured a San Luis Obispo Police officer on Monday morning. Investigators identified the pickup that crashed into the back of San Luis... (Continue reading)