Adam Hill must go

April 28, 2016

Jim Duenow


The election season is upon us and I fear disasters are in store for us. The worst will be the likely reelection of Adam Hill for the District 3 San Luis Obispo County supervisor seat.

The reason Hill’s reelection is likely is not that it is merited but rather that his campaign is awash with money. A cabal of real estate developers, who received favored treatment from Hill, has raised this money. Developers like Gary Grossman, John Belsher, Ryan Petetit and others are in Hill’s pocket and he in theirs.

Also, it has been observed that special interests like PG&E and Phillips 66 funnel money through the Democratic Central Committee only to Hill.

Another example is about money to Hill’s wife, Dee Torres Hill. After being let go from her job with CAPSLO for allegedly stealing gift cards meant for homeless people, she started her own alleged nonprofit corporation to aid the homeless. Her board of directors resigned en mass after seeing how she was running the “nonprofit.”

What she is really doing, is using her business to launder money to her husband, Adam Hill. Developers, such as Gary Grossman, suddenly decided to aid the poor by shoveling $40,000 to $50,000 to Dee Torres’ “nonprofit.”

No one has been able to see the books of the “nonprofit” to see where the money really goes and apparently the business has not reported its income to the IRS. Money laundering?

With all this money, Hill is likely to fool the voters and demolish his opponents with ads filled with blatant lies. He has already lied about his opponent Dan Carpenter’s record. He has made references to Carpenter’s daughter and called her a “troll.” The man has no shame.

Adam Hill has a reputation as a bully. He is worse than that, he’s a cruel, vindictive and vicious bully.

Take the example of Karen Velie who publishes CalCoastNews. Ms. Velie has written about the various peccadillos of Hill and his minions. Hill, in retaliation, has vilified Ms. Velie on his website. He has called her a drunk, a convicted felon, a resident of mental health hospitals, and other things too obscene to present here. All untrue.

Hill has personally confronted CalCoastNews advertisers and threatened them in various ways if they continued to advertise.

With Adam Hill, it is all about money and power. He is so obviously corrupt that one wonders where our law enforcement people are hiding. Hill probably has something on them, too.

We, the voters, are the only hope to solve this problem. Though unlikely, I hope wisdom prevails and Adam Hill is sent packing in the June election. Hope springs eternal!

Jim Duenow, a Democrat, has lived in San Luis Obispo County for 50 years. He is a civil trial lawyer, now semi-retired, who has served on multiple San Luis Obispo City commissions and committees.

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I have met all three.

Adam Hill has never been nothing but pleasant in the few brief interactions I have had with him. But then, I have never had to confront him on an issue that pissed him off.

Debbie I met in Grover Beach. I really liked her, and it was good to actually seen change before stupid Shoals weaseled his way back in to office.

Dan Carpenter I met recently when he was handing out leaflets or brochures. Straight shooter. I like that too.

If Dan doesn’t solicit big developers, then why did he whine that Adam harassed him months ago for doing just that. Dan even complained about it before the BOS.

don, the article says Dan was attending an event not soliciting money. Trolling like Adam’s crew will not help Debbie.

As a Council member and former Mayor, as well as a successful business owner, Debbie Peterson has always been an active proponent of fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, and property rights.

Debbie has been in the forefront of battles to save taxpayer dollars, such as

her work to call attention to mismanagement and reorganize the South SLO Sanitation District (saving over $1 million per year) and she has been a steadfast supporter of property tax-lowering Proposition 13, opposing efforts to modify or repeal the landmark initiative.

When it comes to private property rights, no candidate has been a stronger

leader in defending the water rights of our local farmers. She came out early to oppose Adam Hill’s efforts to impose a “one-size fits all” countywide water ordinance.

Debbie Peterson is the only candidate for District 3 Supervisor who regularly advocates for local taxpayers and farmers in public venues and who keeps us aware of the activities of special districts and public agencies, serving as a fiscal watchdog for voters. She is the only candidate with experience of launching and running successful businesses, and was a winner of the top business person in the Chamber of Commerce “Forty Under 40” award.

If Debbie Peterson is an advocate for local taxpayers, why is she supporting the Self Help County Tax proposal? This additional proposed 1/2 cent sales tax hurts the poor, and in particular, our seniors who are on fixed incomes.

The state has stolen our gas taxes and then came up with this scam of counties taxing local folks to pay for state highways and local roads. Enough!

SAY NO to the Self Help County Tax proposal that will be, in all probability, on the November ballot. Taxpayers unite and VOTE NO on this tax scam in November!

VOTE NO on Debbie Peterson and Adam Hill who both support this tax scam!

VOTE YES for Dan Carpenter. Dan tells it like it is!

This tax will out open pandora’s box for more sales tax like they have in the Cities: I can see a State Parks sales tax, Harbor sales tax, Transit sales tax.

Some of the Counties in this State have 10-11% sales tax.

Don’t let that happen here.

Anyone see where another aerospace company left for Texas. Keep taxing, regulating and protecting these liberals and we will be like Puerto Rico, bankrupt as their young people are living.

Debbie Peterson is the ONLY candidate in District 3 who DOES NOT solicit big developers for campaign cash. Dan Carpenter solicits Adam Hill’s developer buddies like Gary Grossman. Go Debbie!

Keep telling that lie long enough don, I suppose someone may believe it. All anyone has to do is look at the 460 reports the candidates must file to see who takes money from big developers. Dan Carpenter has not, and has not “solicited” big developers either. Get back on your board don and float away.

I could care less if Dan Carpenter solicited funds from the biggest most evil developer in the world… because Dan explains his votes. He doesn’t leave a giant question mark hanging over a surprise vote and then deflect away questions making you wonder what his real motive was. But there aren’t that many surprise votes to begin with, because he is pretty philosophically consistent.

Yes, and Dan Carpenter voted for styrofoam ban ( June 2, 2015 ) another liberal, big government, nanny-state, enviro-whacko decision!

Interesting to know what Debbie Peterson’s position is on the Styrofoam ban?

don the b….

Wow! Desperate!

Character does matter and Adam does not have it. Adam takes money to do underhanded things for the ones that pay him, payola and even if they pay him it may never be enough.

Time for a change and Debbie is not it.

Vote Dan Carpenter Supervisor 2016.See for yourself (listen and watch)

Yes he switched his vote.

What else do you have? He saved the citizens of SLO $$$.

Adam Hill does switch but that is because he is a puppet for Bruce Gibson. Remember when watching the BoS in action Bruce is most often moving Adam’s lips for him.

If you love Bruce and his ethics then you will love Adam.

If you can see the manipulation of Bruce and Adam with their loyalties to staff NOT YOU THE VOTER then put that pretending to be for you and I and really for lining his pockets with BIG $$$$ back on the Dias in June.

If you have real concerns like I do VOTE HIM OUT

Dan Carpenter is the real deal and will protect me and my neighbors no matter how you are registered to vote.

Dan is the man to elect June 7!

Adam Hill is a classic example of Cal Poly bringing in liberal reprobates who pollute our community and will not leave. He was a lame-ass part-time lecturer and look what we got, full-time. We were not ready for this dog in the hen-house of San Luis Obispo. WAKE UP.

I sincerely doubt Poly knew Hill was such a POS when he was hired. Once Carpenter beats him, I’ll bet that Poly chooses not to rehire him.

The incumbent has a huge advantage in any political race. Only if there is massive rancor will he or she lose. In SLO County, the only paper of record with any kind of circulation has endorsed the incumbent, Hill. So the lazy constituent will just see the endorsement.

District 3 also leans heavily Democrat and a particularly progressive form of Democrat due to CalPoly and Cuesta voters. So to beat an incumbent Democrat, once again there has to be a major dust up.

There is no way to beat the incumbent if the opposition is split which it is in this election with Carpenter and Peterson. So unless one drops out Hill, will probably take 50%+ as there is no momentum behind a single opposition candidate.

Finally, Hill has a massive war chest compared to his opponents and can and will saturate the media opportunities. So the low information voters (most voters in D3) will just pick the easy name they have heard or seen so often.

Ergo, Hill is back for another 4 years.

Sorry – but that is conventional wisdom. Maybe lightning will strike. But get ready for a very inflated Adam Hill. Better to put your hope on John Peshong in D1 to put an adult in charge.

Gentleman’s bet south. Adam Hill is out.

Fire Adam Hill

Sadly, I’ll take that bet. Instead of crow, we can be forced to eat a bad chicken dinner.

Conventional wisdom is correct, however, need to work hard for that bolt of lightning to strike and that bolt of lightning is Dan Carpenter. As Edmund Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So go to Dan Carpenter’s website and donate a couple of bucks!

Only 39 days to Election Day, so do it now!

I will be campaigning for Dan and taking the Adam Hill story door-to-door after the June primary Anybody I meet who supports Hill due to a perceived difference in political opinion will be set straight. If you like Debbie Peterson you will like Dan Carpenter, even if you disagree with him. Both are honest and above-board. If you think Adam Hill will support small interests against big interests think again.

I agree with the assessment of the average incumbent but Lynn Compton beat that assessment!!!!

Lynn should not have won but she did because she was the right choice.

Dan Carpenter is moving forward even though the low information voter is the one hard to reach without lots of $$$$$ that is why Adam Hill has called and harassed people who want to give $$$ to Dan or have already given it and get calls on the phone to tell them he will harm them.

So with two cans and string Dan will beat the Bully!!!!

No time to give up, we must get Dan Carpenter elected! And of course John Peschong as well. But we need to send a message to County staff-no more big government ideas, no more brilliant ideas like the $1000 Christmas bonuses for every county employee, no more government waste! The more fiscally conservative people we can get on the BOS, the better off this county will be!

For the millionth time, the $1000 was not a “Christmas bonus”. Employees at that time were paying over $1000 a month for health insurance. It was since increased for many bargaining units. Some employee bargaining units had not had a raise in 7 years, while the BOS, the executives, HR, and others were making huge salaries and getting raises. The HR department timed the $1000 payout specifically at the holiday season to offset a healthcare raise of $200 a month that employees only were notified about 6 weeks prior. They also were afraid their “big” unit was going to fight them, so put that money out to upset the public. It worked GREAT. The employees never got their raise, because they ended up with a net one time amount of $500 after taxes, and then the BOS promptly gave themselves a 5% raise.

So, when pertussis, hand, foot, mouth disease, Zika virus outbreaks occur, those “fiscally conservative” jerks will have found the “cheapest” staff the County could find. Awesome. If you like E-coli and Salmonella, maybe even listeria in your food, let them send out the best environmental health specialist that new grad salary with $1200 in health care costs on the central coast can buy. All the while, the execs make 250k plus.

Be very careful what you wish for.

Thank you, Mr. Duenow, for your truth filled, full disclosure opinion! May District 3 voters exhibit more good sense than District 2 voters portrayed when they re-elected Bruce Gibson. Enough already. Hill and his ship need to be sunk. Please vote for Dan Carpenter!