California League of Cities employees win pot dispensary slot

September 26, 2017

The Grover Beach City Council selected two applicants for the city’s coveted medical marijuana dispensaries on Monday evening. Both winners are major donors to political campaigns in the South County city, having given about $4,000 and $5,000 respectively to a pair of council members and a local lobbyist connected to them. [Cal Coast Times]

The council veered from staff’s recommendations, which ranked The Milkman first, The Monarch second, Natural Healing Center third and GDI Grover Beach Retail fourth, selecting two groups affiliated with political consultant Cory Black.

Helios Dayspring, the co-owner of the top overall selected applicant Natural Healing Center, is a controversial marijuana business man who has sponsored children’s events in order to promote his pot brand. The other winning team, The Monarch, is tied directly to the League of California Cities, a powerful nonprofit that has lobbied cities on marijuana policy.

Another client of Black’s consulting firm, 805 Beach Breaks, was ranked six out of seven by staff and appeared unlikely to win one of the coveted top two spots even though the owner had reportedly bragged she had been guaranteed a slot. However, on Monday night the council voiced plans to allow an additional one or two applicants to open dispensaries in 2018.

Read entire article at Cal Coast Times.

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My question is if awarding to non-profits would have been a better way to go, similar to fireworks stands, which are only given to local non profits.

Could you imagine the good that Peoples Kitchen or another NP could do, or how about a 501c3 Grover Beach Roads Association etc.

Seems like GB is missing an opportunity to improve itself.

I wonder if these Grover City Council members should have recused themselves from the vote for Mulinax? He regularly wines and dines these politicians when they are attending meetings in Sacramento. Now wouldn’t that be interesting to know? As Lt. Kendra on TV would say, my my my.

I hope you are aware that ‘Reefer Madness’ is a documentary

Ummm. Has anyone looked the site awarded to the Natural Healing Center. There are at least two businesses in the complex that are frequented by children:

Pacific Flips Gymnastics –

Coastal Dance & Music Academy –

There is also a Crossfit located in there that has classes for kids. I know the Grover Beach City Council is blinded by $$$$$, but really. A commercial Pot business that close to kids?


Whether you agree or not, the voters of this state approved legal recreational marijuana for people over the age of 21, so why does government have to get involved to convolute the process and layer it with corruption?

How about zone the dispensaries into buildings zoned in out-of-the-way places, as not to draw a lot of attention and tax the sale like any other product at the current sales tax rate?

Enough of all this government BS, and shame on the corrupt politicians who are busy furthering their corrupt ways.


California sez that the voters wanted legal pot and afforded local Gov to regulate it, so let the local Gov grow and sell it? This way Californians get their pot and we get better roads. If it is legal for us peasants to grow and sell it, why not have local Gov grow and selling it instead to keep it regulated. Please educate me if I’m wrong.

One thing you are wrong about, thinking that any of this new money will actually go to fix roads. The money will go to fix the bankrupt pension system and increased salaries and benefits.

How is this OK? Who elected these people? How is it possible to get away with such corruption?

“How is it possible to get away with such corruption?”

Welcome to SLO County, pal- the New Jersey of the central coast.

Except we have potholes and no boardwalk.

$4000-5000 gets you the gig

Pay to play. Welcome to SLO County.