Cuesta College in deficit spending, union pushing raises

February 11, 2018

While the Cuesta College Board of Trustees is looking at strategies to offset a $551,000 budget deficit, the faculty union is pushing for higher pay. [Cal Coast Times]

Lower enrollment coupled with increased unfunded pension liabilities have led to the current fiscal year budget deficit. In the 2011-2012 school year, the campus had 8,646 full time student. With a current reduction of 337 full-time students, the campus incurred a financial loss of $1.79 million.

Also contributing to the deficit, is an increase in payments of more than $600,000 to the California Public Employees Retirement System and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System.

The board of trustees is looking at a variety of strategies to combat the current deficit including an early retirement program, a selective hiring freeze, duel enrollment for local high school students and a scholarship program to increase enrollment.

While the administration is seeking to reduce spending, the teachers union is requesting a 2.5 percent salary increase. The district has offered a 1 percent increase.

In 2014-15 the faculty received a 2 percent raise followed by a 5 percent increase in 2015-16. If the district and the faculty union are unable to agree on raises, the faculty could go on strike.

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If you think socialism is so great go to Europe don’t turn thi country into another Germany,France ,or Italy where you pay as much as 80% tax. Where do you get the Idea FREE anything nothing is free some one has to pay. In Germany if you are lucky enough to own home a state official will come around and if you have an empty room you will have a roomer if you like it or not.So much four socialism. You are probably one of those that has been feeding at the public trough all of your life and believes in LBJs Great Society.

A recent federal District Court decision ruled that the state legislature of Rhode Island could alter its pension commitments, even to existing retirees – there is no sacrosanct contract with unions or former employees. Ergo, our State Legislature (and possibly many more) may end up doing the same here. The state is broke, CalPERS is woefully underfunded, and the taxpayers are tapped out. Scholarships to increase enrollment? It’s already practically free for locals, and certain majors (with adequate grades) are guaranteed a spot in the CSUC system. How much more enticing does it get? I will never vote for a school bond measure.

Sounds good although I do not think that the politicians in CA would ever do this. Those unions are too large with too much voting power. The politicians would rather go down with the ship than ever give a vote or their retirement and benefit packages. It’s kind of like the fox guarding the hen house.

CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt.

Trajectory is not just for those rockets we like to watch, it is also for a business plan that too often is not shared with those who have to fund it.

Its amazing that when faculty ask for a raise that suddenly the school is in the deficit but according to their own newspaper they had a $9 million surplus as of Dec 2017.

Yeah no chance Gil Stork fudged the numbers so things look better than they actually are and so he can keep his job, maybe get a raise, so his pension is even bigger before his retirement and likely he was hoping the bad news wouldn’t have surfaced until he was gone, relaxing on even more taxpayer money from a broken pension system, Great job President Stork.

The Progressives and Socialist are the ones who keep preaching that higher education should be free in America. Yet the Progressives are the ones who madated that CalPERS and CalSTRS only invest in “enviromentally sensitive,” and “politically correct” companies and technologies; all of which are losing money, thus causing California’s pension crisis. The Progressives also support the unions, which just keep asking for more money, and larger pensions. Welcome to what happens when one political party has been in rule of a state for too long. Yep, just keep raising taxes; and drive more of the middle class off to Arizona and Nevada.


SLO Children,

Are you really against free colleges if this could be possible in the future? Wouldn’t that benefit our country as a whole? Furthermore, why are you so upset about our National Socialist modus operandi? That scary word “Socialism” is responsible for the existence of our military, highways and roads, the SLO police department that you may need to call, the SLO fire department, the Postal Service, Public Schools, Veteran’s Healthcare, Public Parks, etc., etc., etc.

If you’re that against our National Socialism, then not to be a blatant hypocrite, will you tell the government that you DO NOT want to collect “Social Security and Medicare” which are Socialist entities, even though you paid into them for the benefit of ALL Americans?

Furthermore, Yahweh god forbid, if you’re a Christian, remember what Jesus thought of “Hypocrites,” and where the Jesus character in the bible was the biggest Socialist that was ever derived in history.


Wow Ted, way to paint a broad picture using a big brush. I would have thought you smarter than to bring simple stereotypes and profiling to a debate (actuall not really, I never thought you to be intellegent). I am not against free college, I am against the hypocrites who want taxpayers to pay for free college, all while giving the unions and administrators big fat salary increases and ridiculous pensions. Why are college administrators paid equal or more than CEO’s of major corporations?

If college should be free, then it shouldn’t be in the business of making money, and it’s staff should not be paid more than for-profit businesses. Bernie Sanders is the biggest hypocrite of them all. He preaches that college should be free, yet benefits from his wife making a six-figure salary as President of Goddard College. The Sanders’ each make six-figures respectively, and own THREE homes. Bernie’s hypocricy has given him the moniker of “The Six-Figure Socialist.” I think if college educations are going to be free in America, that all colleges should be operated as non-profit organizations. That way we can reduce the burden placed on taxpayers by greedy fake-Socialists like Bernie Sanders. Oh and by the way Ted, I am conservative but do not believe in god or organized religion. Stereotypes are bad Ted, mmmmmkay?

You can’t have it both ways Ted. You can’t socialize education but have staff that expect to be paid equal to or exceeding that of greedy capitalists. You want socialized education, then teach the educators and administration how to live like humble Socialists. It is not uncommon for university administrators to receive a $20k housing allowance and a $15k car allowance annualy PLUS other perks like paid country club memberships.Many college administrators in America also spend as much as an additional $100k on entertaining, paid for by the college. All of this IN ADDITION to their annual salaries of $450k to $600k. This doesn’t happen in countries like Denmark where higher education is free. You REALLY THINK we are going to get American college administrators to give up their expensive perks to make education free? Or is the taxpayer just going to get stuck with paying for these lavish lifestyles. Again, just greedy capitalists who preach socialism.


SLO Children,

The highest paid individual in any California College is the president, which on average is paid $300, 000 per year, including bonus’ and benefits. Your over zealous stated amounts were wrong, and seemingly were given to try and support your erroneous point.

No, I do not expect college administrators to give up their perks or income, anymore than you giving up yours if another individual like you perceived them to be too much. Perks, that come with many professions, are a part of the system, and at 300k per year plus perks for the president is seemingly within reason for what is on their plate.

You have sidestepped my proposition of the following, hopefully for Cal Coast News, you will address it at this time, to wit:

If you’re that against our National Socialism, then not to be a blatant hypocrite, will you tell the government that you DO NOT want to collect “Social Security and Medicare” which are Socialist entities, even though you paid into them for the benefit of ALL Americans?

^ Thanking you in advance for answering the question above.


I would be happy not to collect social security and Medicare if they give me back the money they have confiscated over the last 30 years. Imagine if that had been invested, rather than put into i owe u’s by the government, we would all have millions.


SLO Children,

Barring your child like grade school ad hominem attack, and the irony of you misspelling the word “IntellEgent, could you address my propositions to your following quotes?

YOUR QUOTE: “I am not against free college, I am against the hypocrites who want taxpayers to pay for free college, …..”

In the same vein, and not to be a hypocrite, then are you also against tax payers paying into a Socialist venue for the existence of our military, highways and roads, the SLO police department , SLO fire department, the Postal Service, Public Schools, Veteran’s Healthcare, Public Parks, etc.?

YOUR QUOTE: “ …..all while giving the unions and administrators big fat salary increases and ridiculous pensions. Why are college administrators paid equal or more than CEO’s of major corporations?”

Are you against the GOP mantra that one is not to be hampered in making as much money as they can? Isn’t that the American way? Where do you get the authority to say what anyone should make in any profession, especially without having actual experience in said professions? Can you cite actual references where college administrators are paid EQUAL or MORE than CEO’s of “Major Corporations,” like Standard Oil, Apple, General Motors, etc.?” Otherwise, you present nothing but your own “hearsay” where your argument falls flat on it’s face.


Since pensions increase with increased pay, it’s an even dumber suggestion than the article implies. Government workers don’t care however as, unlike the rest of us, the fiscal shape of the “company” for which they work is not of their concern.

This shouldn’t be a problem, just raise the taxes.

George Bailey

Who needs to raise taxes, just have an on campus cannabis dispensary that will fund the Union and the students will likely take each class twice to assure job security for the teachers.

Now that’s some good thinking outside the box!

I assume you are being sarcastic?

Yes, sarcasm is one way to entertain stupidity. Sadly stupidity has become the answer in academia. Their resolve for bad choices often is to involve others. No thanks from me, ever heard of a budget or in lay terms, live within your means?

The unions and welfare will be the downfall of this country. Can the military belong to the union? Hell no.Their salary is at the mercy of congress..Twenty hour days and no over time. They are there because they want to be just like any other worker So quit your bitching.

PERS will be our undoing, but what the heck, ask for a raise anyway.