Ukrainians deserve our help, support, gratitude

January 27, 2023

Dr. James Armstead

Opinion by Dr. James Armstead

When one considers the various elements of strategy, oft times the political and diplomatic aspects of war are wrongly relegated to a lesser position. This is brighter wise or correct and can only lead to a postponement of victory or perhaps worse, a peace without a adequate resolution.

In various conflicts over the years, I’ve often heard when proposing a non kinetic strike to my uniformed colleagues, “oh yes, but we don’t have time for that now, we’re fighting a war” or “if we could just get the politicians out of the way, we could win this thing.”

I would argue that such attitude is somewhat nearsighted as war by its very nature is the most intense of political acts and focuses the energy, human resources and treasure of state acts towards a desired political end. It is, simply stated, the physical demonstration of a willingness to place all aspects of state power, including the most precious resources, the very lives of its citizens, as well as the physical, fiscal and other resources of the state into a physical contest to exercise its political will to determine the outcome of events.

The ultimate goal of such a contest is actually a cessation of the hostilities with a resulting political equilibrium based in part on some agreement to a status of dominance, superiority or parity. We fight for a purpose oriented peace or at least a useful ceasefire. Now, this leaves the successful strategist with one of his/her most powerful tools of the trade; the ability to offer an adversary some acceptable alternative to continuing the conflict.

Now as to the focus of conflict, or perhaps more aptly as to the political priorities of combat it is nowhere better stated to my mind than by General Fox Conor (General Pershing’s AEF operations chief) ” … never fight for long, never fight alone and never fight unless you have to!”

Here we can see the subtitles of first rate strategic thinking; preserve the resource, focus the combat power to its best effect, use the maximum force(s) available effect a desired resolution with all the resource(s) that can be gathered and made available at the moment of decision.

Sun Tzu tells us wars are won and lost before the first battle and victory is only possible if we know the enemy and ourselves. In this conflict which is now admittedly – and has always been – between Russia and West we must understand exactly what Putin really wants; a 21 Century restoration of Russian hegemony in eastern Europe which includes a land buffer region separating NATO from the Russian border, and Russian aggrandizement in Ukraine and the contiguous Baltic States and Belarus with near term reintegration into a Russian “super power” imperial state.

What we do not know with great precision is exactly how far he is willing to go to achieve his imperialist aims. He is using the international forums including the UN, the oil and gas markets to fund his current efforts and presumably (re)build Russian infrastructure and the economy generally.

The battle space is enormous and includes a vital economic element. We have begun to address it with sanctions but we are not treating Russia as if we are at war. President Biden has had to invigorate NATO and to weaponize the alliance posture and response against our adversary which has struck at Ukraine.

Make no mistake, Putin sees Ukraine as the proxy of a western incursion into the former Soviet political space to which he now has formally laid claim. This is the last battle of the cold war, the sides have been rearranged but the fundamental systemic and moral conflict remains; a large totalitarian and imperialist oligarchy, in actuality a kleptocracy ( now sans its ideological aegis) seeks an immediate irredentist reversion with brutal military force to regain hegemony and aggrandizement over its adjacent neighbors without regard to well established international law and norms dating from the 1649 Peace of Westphalia in addition to three more recent sets of international guarantees (1991, 1994, 1997) to which Russia is a signatory party expressly guaranteeing Ukrainian territorial integrity.

This struggle is at the base of the North Atlantic Alliance, resistance to tyranny and defense of freedom in Europe and the Alliance countries. The chorus of surprise and bewilderment falls without much impression to my ears.

This struggle has been on going for over 70 years with some modification. The struggle has morphed to our distinct advantage over the years and is actually what a young captain working in the bowels of the Pentagon in the early 1970s would have asked for if we were asked to defend our ideals, our freedoms and eventually our allies.

In the early 1970s, we could have only hoped for the world of today. The noted strategist, Dr. Albert Wholstetter always expressed a desire that the majority of eastern Europeans readily defend democracy, a free market economy and eliminating earlier dependency upon a intrusive and oppressive Soviet system could be the asset that tipped the strategic balance.

Now, in an ironic turn of fate, it is they defending western values, holding the front lines and driving back Russian tank armies invading from the east. Our mission now must be clear, focused and direct. It is our task to invigorate and reinforce and develop a political cohesion focused on a doctrine of collective security amongst alliance members and the international community, express our alarm that the rule of law is threatened and the rule based international order that has protected large and small nation alike for nearly 80 years is showing its age.

The balance of power so precariously enforced by MAD and a mutual respect and adherence to a notion of a no first use doctrine has made the possession of nuclear weapons almost sane.

Political action, and our international institutions must be modernized or perhaps better yet, brought to a postmodern modern modality if they are to enures to our immediate benefit.

In his recent UN address, President Biden alluded to the possibility of significant changes to the UN including an enlargement of the Security Council. I’d go a step further given the present situation, the UN Security Council should indeed be enlarged to reflect a more modern post colonial world and present economic reality, India, Egypt, Germany, Nigeria and Brazil should be immediately considered as permanent members with new interpretations on any veto powers, probably two or even three objections to naysay or obstruct a council action.

As Russia is a recognized successor state to the Soviet Union and has acted irretrievably antithetical to the goals, rules and values of the UN, action should be considered by the General Assembly to modify the charter and remove Russia now from Security Council. It has irrevocably demonstrated its unworthiness even for membership and its hostility to the rule of law Is irreconcilable with the values of he organization.

Recently, Ambassador Fiona Hill publicly stated a need for all nuclear nations to condemn Russia’s threats of nuclear use; China, India, Pakistan, the US, the UK and France must all immediately condemn such threats and do so in unison representing the will of the international community. Russia has voluntarily made itself a pariah state and must be made to feel such until her conduct come into line with international norms and is modified to acceptable levels. Russia’s own statements make it clear she see herself at war with the “west!”

While we labor to limit the physical conflict and seek to avoid escalating great power conflict we can not and must not give up the diplomatic, political and economic spheres of our complex and multipolar world. This is a fight to the end; just ask the Ukrainians.

Our actions must be considered carefully, our choices made wisely but we must act with resolve and use our great power to best effect. The old curse, “May you live in interesting times,” is again our lot.

We have been blessed to have our brave Ukrainian brothers and sisters at the forefront on the battlefield and in the fight. They need and deserve our help, support and gratitude. This is our fight to win or loose. We are not only the great arsenal of democracy, but we are the leaders of the free world we must engage on every front with our energy, moral courage and our great responsibility in mind. We are in transition and our values are being tested.

We are great as long as we are good. We are only good if we live up to our values.

Dr. J. Holmes Armstead is a retired professor of Strategy and International law from the US Naval War College. He has taught international law, strategy and national security policy for over 40 years.  

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A lot to read and digest but stomach says why does the USA always foot the bill and fight for other countries when the countries close to the fight never put out more than the USA to stop the fighting. We deplete our defense supply and money and I don’t see other countries helping us out like we do them. Example is Mexico helping us stop the invasion to our country no they actually give them a free pass thru their country thus helping the invasion. Get a grip people until we totally put our country first and help others after we are doomed to defeat

Mully have you checked out how much European nations are sending? It’s a massive effort. And “we (USA) are doomed to defeat”, uuhh, From climate change? The Rapture?? Critical Race Theory??? How about fattening foods???? Since when are we so doomed dooomed doooomed to defeat?

Let us list the wars of the Russian Federation and it’s mercenaries under Putin: 1991–1993 First Nagorno-Karabakh War; 1991–1993 Georgian Civil War; 1991–1992 South Ossetian War; 1992–1993 War in Abkhazia; 1992 Transnistria War; 1992 East Prigorodny Conflict; 1992–1997 Tajikistani Civil War; 1994–1996 First Chechen War; 1999 War of Dagestan; 1999–2009 Second Chechen War; 2008 Russo-Georgian War; 2009–2017 Insurgency in the North Caucasus; 2014–2020 Second Libyan Civil War; 2014–present Russo-Ukrainian War (three separate invasions, appeasing a tyrant does not work); 2015–present Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War; 2018–present Central African Republic Civil War; 2020–present Second Nagorno-Karabakh war. Does anyone seriously think Putin is going to be stopped through pacifism, space travel and wishful thinking?

The Ukrainians are beating Putin without US troops! Slava Ukraini (Glory to Ukraine) Heroiam slava! (Glory to the heroes!) The Ukrainians are actual heroes compared to the flag wavers on the Vineyard Drive overpass and THEIR hero “bone spur” Trump. Actually defending western civilization and democracy while Noam Chomsky and the People’s Daily hype some dated Vietnam War era anti-US stupid regurgitations.

Our veterans deserve our help, support and gratitude first, the we can talk about others.

The only way to stop war is to avoid participation in all wars. This war in Ukraine is only for the corporations to make money. We have other ways to influence European politics than to sell war supplies to one side.

“The only way to stop war is to avoid participation in all wars.”

Why didn’t I think of that!

“Ukraine, I know your house got broken into and the home intruder assaulted your roomates but you should try talking to him. Don’t fight back or call the police, it’ll only escalate the situation!”

“Okay yeah maybe it was wrong for that putin guy to break into that other guy’s house to try and kill his family, but we need to just at least let the guy have his living room or else he might get mad at us and that would be scary” -Some guy living in another city.

“Imagine someone broke into your flat, took your kids, declared a room was theirs, and then destroyed the flat because you angrily banged on the door”.

isoslo obviously stands for isolationist slo. How’d that work out in WW2? Early US isolationism was well known to have been a significant contributor to how drawn out and deadly World War Two was, and many believe WW2 may have been avoided if the US had not been isolationist so early on.

I am whole heartedly in support of this escalation of war, we need to build the weapons and send the soldiers to fight this campaign for the political and connected class. War and suffering is a small price to pay for a financial windfall for those on the right and the left. Putin, we are on team zelenski and we will chant USA USA as we send him the expensive equipment without restriction.

Interesting. Lots to consider and digest. This is a constructive opinion I wish so called news outlets could present and at the same time counter. Appropriate news to help us think rather than all the social news that make us dumber.

Try Denys Davydov on YouTube

Drop the war mentality. The U.S. is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine and the victims are the Ukranian people. Our country is now 31 trillion dollars in debt and now so-called “liberals” want to raise the debt-ceiling in order to perpetuate their bloody war for energy and mineral resources. It’s hypocritical to call Russia “imperialist” when it is virtually surrounded by NATO military bases. Russia was our ally until the so-called “left” began stoking hatred and fear of Russia in order to sell the war to the American people. Obviously, sending weapons to Ukraine and providing training and money to them will only serve to antagonize Russia.

Humanity needs to unite in our common goal of survival. We should be using our resources to explore and colonize space; not wasting our precious remaining global resources waging feudal wars for profit. There is no altruistic justification for war. Let us teach our children to be explorers instead of warriors.

“Russia was our ally ” No, never happened to the USA.

Proxys indeed: “Donald Trump claimed in a speech to a Mar-a-Lago audience over the weekend (1/23) that President Joe Biden “convinced” Russian President Vladimir Putin to “go into Ukraine.”

Trump, without evidence, said Biden told the Russian leader it would be “no problem” if he took “some parts of Ukraine” in the invasion Russia began in February 2022.”

A Russian graveyard reveals Wagner’s prisoner army

Since the beginning of Russia’s war in Ukraine, the previously secretive Wagner and founder Prigozhin have assumed an increasingly public profile. In the past, Wagner fighters have deployed to Syria, Libya and the Central African Republic in support of Russia’s allies. Prigozhin, known in Russia as “Putin’s chef” because of his Kremlin catering contracts, consistently denied any links to Wagner. Then, last September, he confirmed he founded the private army, which he described as a “group of patriots.”

Russia was indeed our ally. We couldn’t even get our astronauts to the space station without hitching rides on Russion Soyuz spacecraft until recently. Thank you, Elon Musk, for developing the technology that our war-hungry politicians refused to fund.

“Russia was our ally until the so-called “left” began stoking hatred and fear of Russia”

Russia was a U.S. ally for exactly four years, from 1941-1945 in the effort to eliminate the Nazis from the world stage. As soon as WWII was over, the communists immediately became the enemy again, as they had been ever since the victory of the Bolsheviks in 1917.

You may forget that in the 1920’s Americans who had any association with Russia were vilified—i.e. Jack Reed and Emma Goldman, among many. In the 50’s, after the war, McCarthy and Nixon went after anyone who had any allegiance to communists, blacklisting some of the best artists in Hollywood at the time—Dalton Trumbo, who wrote Spartacus, for one.

The Cold War lasted until the late 80’s, but even into the 90’s and 2000’s, the U.S. could never be considered allies with Russia. We negotiated several nuclear treaties with the Russians and were probably more friendly with them when Yeltsin was in power.

However, since the rise of the KGB thug Vladimir Putin, the U.S. has absolutely not been friendly with Russia—despite the fact that the dolt, Donald Trump, said he believed Putin over his own national intelligence—a permanent stain on U.S. foreign relations.

I see the Ukrainian war in simple terms. An authoritarian government is trying to take over a democratically elected government. There was a time when all Americans agreed that democracy had to be defended, both here and abroad. When I look at today’s Republican Party and some of their arguments against funding for Ukraine, I’m not so sure that is still the case.

Drop defending Putin, a mass murder. Wise up and see reality rather than some star trek vision to “explore and colonize space”.

Where and when has pacifism worked to stop a tyrant?

Spoken like a free man, protected by our military might. Maybe you might have a different opinion about the Russians if they were barrel bombing your neighborhood. Personally I am not afraid of poking the drunken Russian bear. Kumbaya.

dscott’s comment is a bunch of typical partisan politican BS. Corrupt politicians try to frame every single issue as “liberal vs conservative” and “left vs right” and Russia is no exception. The fact is there is bipartisan support for Ukraine and against Russia. Saying this is a “liberal” issue is trying to stoke political hatred and fear to make the Ukraine war a wedge issue and score cheap political points for one party or the other. Ronald Reagan is no doubt rolling over in his grave to see the small but vocal group of “Republicans” in Name Only make excuses for Putin and coddle him.

I’m not a Republican. Just because someone disagrees with your favorite political narrative doesn’t mean they belong to the other major party. Of course there is bi-partisan support for the war. That’s why I said “so-called liberals”. There is nothing progressive about being in favor of war! Let go of the hate!

Slava Ukraini (Glory to Ukraine)

YES, Republican and Democrat “cheese eating surrender monkeys” need to shut up

Interesting that this one simple comment supporting Ukraine got almost 100 down votes, which is way out of proportion to other votes on here. Nice try, Ivan, with your little voting script to game the numbers on here to seemingly support your commie pro-russian cause.

Ha ha! Right. Cal-Coast News is infested with Russian propaganda-bots… That’s ludicrous. Obviously, public opinion is strongly against the proxy war. Let go of the hate and do something productive!