Sex offender arrested for grabbing girl’s butt in SLO

August 25, 2023

Jonathan Davis


San Luis Obispo police officers arrested a convicted child molester who allegedly followed a 14-year-old girl into a downtown SLO business last week and grabbed her buttocks. 

At about 11 a.m. on Aug. 19, Jonathan Davis, 48, followed the teen into a store in the 800 block of Higuera Street. Davis grabbed her buttocks and attempted to pick her up, the girl told police.

The victim and a sibling of hers, who was nearby, yelled for their mother. Davis then walked away but remained in the store. The mother confronted Davis about inappropriately touching her child and instructed him to stay inside the business while she called 911, according to the San Luis Obispo Police Department.

Officers arrived and arrested Davis on charges of felony annoying or molesting a child under 18, felony second or more offense of annoying or molesting a child under 18, misdemeanor assault and battery, misdemeanor lewd or lascivious act on a child under 14  and a five-year enhancement for a prior conviction of a serious or violent felony.

Davis was previously convicted in both 2007 and 2019 of annoying or molesting a child under the age of 18. He is a registered sex offender.

Authorities booked Davis in San Luis Obispo County Jail, where he currently remains with his bail set at $150,000.

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It is a well known fact that churches (where women and children) hang out are magnets for sexual predators. Its an unfortunate fact that most churches are too welcoming to anyone who comes thru their doors.

Smart churches and synagogues do criminal background checks on candidates for membership. Esp., single young men.

that is germane how? So are schools, playgrounds, Boy Scout troops, football teams, gymnastics. Deer hunters go where there are deer.

There is no cure for sexual predators. Locking them up (or warehousing) them where they can’t harm others is the only thing that can be done.

His current girlfriend called him a pedophile….He said “that’s a might big word for a 12 year old…..”

It is very sad that these people are free to walk among us and with the full knowledge of our legal system because the real solution is a permanent.

“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” Donald Trump

Our moral ambivalence is normalizing this type of behavior towards women.

THIS is EXACTLY what we’re talking about. The right wing not only made excuses for someone that ADMITTED that he was a sexual predator, he was elected AND then convicted by a JURY of his peers for sexually assaulting someone and STILL people support him so this whining about how society lets them walk free, certain Stockholm syndrome citizens would literally help him get away with it again. Roy Moore was BANNED from a mall for sexual predator behavior and people rallied behind him. Tyler, you repeated what he said (He used Celebrity though) and instead of people realizing that he’s evil incarnate, you were down voted. THAT is what NO HONOR looks like. People said “We’re not against Mexicans, we’re against Law breakers” Ok, here we are with a KNOWN LAW BREAKER but that’s not really a concern, it’s an excuse to break more laws

You can lie, assault, defame, and con people all you want. Just make sure you aren’t wearing “gender non-conforming clothing” while you do it. That’s the part that really upsets the GOP. I love all the downvotes to your post without any defense. They can’t argue against the point you made, but they don’t like them.

THis is hysterical. THese sensible folks making sensible points are voted down “hugely”….Har har har. Oh my gawd, the major loons on this site!

As someone who doesn’t like Trump I atleast can acknowledge sexual predators existed before Trump existed. Whats changed is the lack of consequences for those who are a menace to society. This dude had two prior convictions one of which was 9 yrs before Trump was president but yet he was out free to do it again. The california leadership is what’s normalizing illegal behavior in the state of california if you don’t like it vote a different way or for a different person.

They have always existed. What has changed is turning a blind eye to it by the same people who profess to care so much about the safety of children. Gym Jordan, anyone? Ray Moore? The Catholic church? The Baptist church? I’d rather send my children to a Pride Camp run by drag performers than send them to a church outing.

Give him a wig and some hairspray and he looks just like DT.

The traits we admire in people- kindness and generosity, openness, honesty, understanding and feeling are now the concomitants of failure in our system.

And those traits we detest- sharpness, greed, acquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self interest are the traits of success.

While men admire the quality of the first-

they love the product of the second.

It continues to amaze me how many people still violently support Trump. Anything said bad about him gets downvoted. He is a con man. A liar. A misogynist. An admitted sexual predator. He went to church 11 times in 4 years and you all still think he is God’s chosen one. What happened to your critical thinking skills? You are continuting to be conned by a con man. When will you wake up? And don’t start with the whataboutism, “Well, Biden . . .” I don’t care. Nothing Biden does or doesn’t do makes Trump any less of a slimeball grifter.