Recall effort launched to oust SLO County Supervisor Bruce Gibson

October 30, 2023

Supervisor Bruce Gibson


A citizens group launched a recall effort last week to oust San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson.

The Committee to Support the Recall of Supervisor Bruce Gibson served the District 2 supervisor a copy of the notice at his home in Cayucos on Friday afternoon. Along with proof of service, the committee filed a notice of intent to recall with the SLO County Clerk-Recorder’s Office shortly afterwards.

The recall effort has its roots in Gibson’s alleged failures to follow open government laws, attempts to privatize North County water, and his micromanagement of county departments.

“The decision to serve Supervisor Gibson and ‘intent to recall’ notice comes after years of misconduct, abuse of power, and betrayal of the public trust,” according to the committee. “The Committee to Support the Recall of Supervisor Bruce Gibson, comprised of concerned citizens from all walks of life and party affiliations, firmly believes that a change in leadership is necessary to restore the values and integrity of San Luis Obispo County.”

The committee will need to gather about 7,500 signatures. If successful, the recall for District 2 supervisor could be on the March ballot.

While the voters will then decide whether or not Gibson stays in office, they will not select his replacement.

In 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that changed the way elected officials in California can be recalled. Before 2023, the recall election permitted voters to select a replacement. Based on Assembly Bill 2584, Gov. Newsom is now charged with appointing a District 2 supervisor if Gibson is recalled.

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Those of us in the rural areas have no use for bruce, he says one thing and then goes off on another direction, first he says I won’t change land use from ag to industrial, this was for the phoney air storage facility near Morro Bay, then later it comes out, well we’ll have to look at all angles, then on MB’s new sewer plant he says when asked whats going on out here his answer was thats not in my purview, ahh really, the same with the solar plant along hwy 1 at Kansas ave, that field looked a lot better with the deer and turkeys on it than that ugly site. It seems that when it benifits him or his people all is good when its for the rest of us not so much.

If you have not noticed the trend is for removed officials to be re-appointed. What are the odds here? Let’s save the dough and let this go. It is simple math.

If Mr. Gibson did anything illegal,, why isn’t district attorney Dan Dow pressing charges? This recall effort is being pushed by people who are too impatient to wait for a proper election. They essentially want to make make void a proper and legal and well handled election. This is another attempt to disassemble the democratic process in the United States. It will fail very expensively and give Newsom more power regardless. Stupid. Gibson will most likely end up benefitting. I, for one, will donate to anti-recall effort as will others who care about preserving democracy in our great nation. Undoubtedly, thousands of other voters in the county will do the same.

Let me get my pen!

Can we make it a twofer and add Little Jimmy’s name to the petition?

Point of information: Mr. Paulding is well over 6 feet tall, has a large aura, a robust personality and a generous attitude. Nothing little about him. Sorry.

Does his well documented personal life on county property get to come into play?

Where or how do we sign this petition to oust SLO County Supervisor Bruce Gibson? I want to sign with a BIG SIGNATURE.

How will THAT kind of selfish grandstanding make any difference to the outcome? Size of signature is irrelevant. Check the law.

Love it and well deserved. But could Newsome’s appointment to fill Gibson’s vacancy be worse?

Don’t think too small Kieth. He could easily appoint someone living in a different state and give them a week to register to vote and find a place to live in district 2 before the appointment. He’s done it before. It’s not about representation to him, it’s about power.

The effort is sure to fail and will end up costing people lots of money. The effort will do nothing but add chaos to our community. The folks who elected him will vote for him once again. The majority of his constituents continue to approve of his work.