Lizzie Fire burn scar continues to smoulder

November 22, 2023


San Luis Obispo firefighters responded to hot spots discovered smouldering in the area of the Lizzie Fire burn scar on Tuesday.

On Oct. 30, a pair of teens allegedly started a fire at the FFA farm behind the high school. The fire quickly spread in dry grasses in the area.

One firefighters suffered a laceration while battling the blaze. Hundreds of people were temporarily evacuated.

On Tuesday, a caller reported smoke coming from the burn scar. Firefighters found vegetation smoldering in a drainage area in the burn scar. Crews then worked to extinguish the hot spots.


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That’s pretty unusual, considering the rain we just had. I can’t imagine that kicking back up.

Looks like he’s in the Eucalyptus trees right behind the high school, or, on the other side of the former Jr high football field. Being very oily trees, they could have harbored a few embers tucked inside.

Thank you firefighters! We are forever grateful for your bravery!