California Democratic heavyweight Gloria Romero leaves party

September 4, 2024

Gloria Romero

Opinion by Gloria Romero

I am announcing today that I am leaving the Democratic Party. I was a Democratic convention delegate for the Reverend Jesse Jackson and President Barack Obama at three different conventions. I was California co-chair for the re-election of President Obama.

FDR, JFK and RFK were heroes in my household. I vividly remember where I was when the Kennedys were assassinated. Dreams dashed, the quest for hope never extinguished, however.

In this capitol, I served as both Senate Democratic Caucus Chair and the Senate Majority Leader.

Today, I say goodbye, adios, I’ve had enough. I am now another near lifelong Democrat who is joining the growing number of people—including key groups, Latinos— who are leaving the Democratic Party.

This is not the Democratic Party that I once championed, I don’t recognize it anymore and I cannot continue.

I changed my voting registration today to Republican which has, under Donald Trump, become the champion of working people, the big tent. I will vote for Donald Trump this fall.

While there are several issues I could highlight for this action, these are prominent:

The so-called Party of Democracy eradicated 14 million votes, including mine, in order to install its preferred candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris. But even before that, the Democratic primaries were rigged so as to prevent viable candidates from jumping in to even campaign.

Lawfare was utilized. At the end, similar to Latin American dictatorships, the dedazo was used to tap who the political elite and big donors wanted to run; a political coup was, essentially, executed.

I have run for office in the past—what message does this send that if the donors and elites don’t like you, they can simply replace you with the candidate of their choice at any moment—undermining any semblance of the voters’ will?

The Democratic Party has taken a giant leap to authoritarianism, censorship: It was President Reagan who warned that if fascism comes to America it will come as liberalism. As a former member of the executive board of the Southern California ACLU, individual freedoms are trapped, silenced by authoritarianism, censorship.

It is terrifying to see how language has been modified so that, as a feminist and a former Professor at Cal State University, I would be condemned for saying that I candefine a woman and distinguish between biological sex and gender identify. This is the so-called party of women which has eradicated Title IX protections for sports equity for women.

While I am pro-choice, I will not support a party that advocates for abortion to full term. I am a mother and refuse to call myself a “birthing person.”

The Democratic Party has become the party of censorship, authoritarianism, and locking people up for free speech. The Democratic Party has abandoned veterans at home to send millions and millions oversees.

The Republican Party has become the party of peace while the Democrats have marched towards endless war. Today’s Democratic Party and VP Harris, specifically, have refused to speak the names of the 13 American soldiers whose lives were sacrificed for a photo-op in the horrific, botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Anyone who has ever buried a young soldier in war can feel the pain of that.

The Democratic Party has turned its back on the working class, becoming the party of the elites and big buck donors. We see, daily, Democratic leaders lecture the people as to how to live their lives under the burden of COVID-19, climate change, a crime crisis, and rampant inflation while they, out of touch with Californians, feast at the French Laundry.

Grocery prices have soared; some 39% of Americans say they’ve skipped meals to make housing payments. For millennials it is 44% and baby boomers its 20%.

As a Mexican-American, I know my history: my family was here even before the border crossed us in 1848. I have long embraced pathways to citizenship, but I reject the mockery of citizenship and the throwing open of our southern border by the ineffective Border Czar and the inept Biden. People around the world flock to America—we should insist on maintaining what citizenship means.

Perhaps my biggest disconnect with my old Democratic Party has been over school choice, education freedom and the right to have quality schools for all—especially for poor and minority children trapped in chronically failing schools.

They remain trapped even while the most powerful special interest funnels money to keep this not as a public education system, but a public works system that functions as jobs for adults in the system—damning the kids and stifling their American Dream and the ticket that lifts them out of poverty.

The Democratic Party thrives off this failure, shamefully looking away even as our children fall farther and farther behind in reading, writing, and the ability to compete internationally.

At our universities, I’ve seen Jewish students threatened. I went to Auschwitz some years ago and no one can ever step inside that crematorium and come back and say that its okay to not remember. Yet, here in our hallowed campuses of UC Berkeley or UCLA—it’s been horrific.

I watched with horror women being kidnapped, blood dripping on Oct 7—and Democratic Party has forsaken Israel to capture the Hamas Caucus of Congress and a swing state.

I have seen the best of America: a nation that went to the moon and even beyond. but our American landing has become like quicksand under a Democratic Party that is sinking the hopes and lives of too many politically unconnected Americans, livelihoods being destroyed or killed by drug warfare due to an open borders and a Bidenomics economy that none should embrace.

The Democratic Party positions itself as the party of freedom, liberty, and democracy while it has become 1984 in 2024.

Today, I am leaving the Democratic Party. I stayed for as long as I could. I tried reforms, I spoke out, I voted.

Today, I turn to the future—a land of opportunity and free speech. I am excited to join a Party that was started by the greatest American—Abraham Lincoln, and the challenges of building a great Republic will take all of us.

Today, I join the Republican Party to Make America Great Again and I am ready to do my part as America prepares to vote. I thank the many who have welcomed me into an America First tent and I feel free at last.


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It is obvious DJT doesn’t actually care about the conservative agenda. He doesn’t care about abortion, freedom, the border or America’s place in the world. He’s not running to help a party achieve its political goals.

He’s running:

1) to stay out of prison.

2) to keep attention on himself and keep the loyalty of his cult.

3) to keep the grift going, because this is the most and easiest money he’s made in his entire life.

1) DJT wouldn’t have the justice system coming after him if he wasn’t running.

2) Why would it be worth all that DJT has gone through since 2016 just for “attention”?

3) DJT has lost money since 2016 and never took the presidential salary. Compare that to other past presidents who’s net worth has soared since being in office.

4) Let’s Go Brandon!

Yeah; vote for the guy that had an affair with a pornstar…. What reasonable person wants one of the most divisive people on the planet in charge? No big loss here. Adios indeed.


I feel you on some of these points. I too no longer recognize the party I was part of going back to the seventies. I’m no big fan of Trump, but I also remember when the Democrats were the anti war party and stood up to big corporations and government when they frequently misbehaved.

It was a party of the People , not the check pants , country club elites of the day. I’m totally creeped out how todays democrat party and neocon values align unquestioningly. I’m sorry to see how misbehaving government agencies and courts are ignored if what they do “works” for the politically connected. The party seems to serve the chamber of commerce now.

Tribal politics is going to wreck everything, I’m afraid.

Gloria, welcome. It is a pleasure to meet a critical thinker who has followed their brain and heart. We conservatives are not lemmings who just keep repeating the same sound byte as we discuss our position.

You are welcome into the big tent that seems to get larger by the day. It is not filled by people who all think alike, but by people who are willing to DISCUSS AND DEBATE ideas without having to watch every word because it may offend someone.

Folks, that attitude is what made us different from all the traditional cultures that are steeped in marching to the same drummer. We as Americans are still young and stupid and want to march to our own drummer.

This is not news because Gloria’s career in the democratic party ran into a dead end well over a decade ago, as evidenced most recently when she backed bizarro Larry Elder in the failed Newsom recall effort a couple of years ago. By the way, congratulations to Mr. Elder and Ms. Molina for repeatedly regurgitating every single MAGA talking point and accompanying conspiracy theory in an uninterrupted stream of consciousness.

Oh well, I guess we’ll have to trade Ms. Romero for Lynne Cheney, who came out today in favor of Harris. In fact, the number of former Republicans who will vote for Harris is far larger than the number of former Democrats who will vote for Trump—I’ll wager Ms. Romero is part of a very small group.

I think Ms Romero has forgotten that the last two Republican presidents left the country in shambles with Democrats left to pick up the pieces. In 2008, Bush left us with massive job losses, a stock market crash and millions of hard working Americans thrown out of their houses while rich elites, like Steve Mnuchin and Trump himself bought up distressed properties and made millions. Talk about elites.

In 2020, Trump left behind a half a million dead Americans because of a bungled response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a 28% contraction in GDP, the worst in modern U.S. history. That’s not to mention the $7.8 trillion his administration added to the debt because of a tax giveaway to the wealthiest Americans, including Mr. Trump.

But go ahead Ms. Romero and vote for Trump. In California, your vote will be cancelled by the millions who will vote for Harris. I just wonder if Ms. Romero has spent any time perusing Project 2025, which is the blueprint for another Trump term in office or maybe she’s taking his word for it when he says he has no idea what it is (and we all know Mr. Trump never lies).


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