San Luis Obispo issues back-to-school fines to rowdy students

September 20, 2024


As Cal Poly students return to campus, San Luis Obispo police are patrolling neighborhoods looking for candidates for hefty fines.

Over a two-week span ending Sept. 30, fines are doubled for violations of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code that occur commonly around the start of Cal Poly’s fall quarter. The particular code violations include carrying open containers, noise violations, unruly gatherings, public urination and hosting gathering that involve underage drinking.

Fines are also doubled for carrying a deadly and dangerous weapon during the two-week stretch.

Fall classes begin at Cal Poly on Sept. 23, preceded by Week of Welcome.

In August 2013, the San Luis Obispo City Council adopted the Safety Enhancement Zone Ordinance, which allows fines to double during times of year that traditionally generate the most partying. In addition to the beginning of the fall quarter, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day and Mardi Gras are also safety enhancement times.


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Are the fines doubled as a deterrent if so how do they get the message out, or is it a way the city lines their pockets?

What’s next doubling of traffic fines at times people are most likely to speed or roll through a stop sign, early in the morning before traffic is present?

As a deterrent for a decade and it works, you just noticed?

Get the message out, city lines the pockets, students behave more better.

Good idea, they should double fines around events that draw non-student partying: Harvest weekend, the Fair, etc.