Grover Beach seeking candidates for vacant city council seat

December 13, 2024


Grover Beach is seeking applicants for an open city council seat. The council is planning to appoint a resident to fill the seat left vacant after residents voted to recall Councilman Daniel Rushing.

Applicants need to be registered voters who live in District 2. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Jan. 3.

The Grover Beach City Council will review all applications and then interview applicants during their meeting on Jan. 13. Interested residents can verify their district using the city’s interactive map online.

Following the candidate interviews, the council will appoint a new council member to serve through Dec. 2026.


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I believe appointment is appropriate in this case. Get involved with your council members, attend the meetings, back the best applicant and submit letters of recommendation.

The cost of an election to Grover Beach taxpayers would be $300,000 and that’s why the new city council voted to save money.

And the City can’t just have a 2 month voting period at City Hall. There are strict State laws on how an election is administered.

Can you imagine the temper tantrums from the sixth council woman and the tree fraudster if the election didn’t turn out the way they demanded.

I hope they don’t appoint former counsil member Rushing, though it would be ironic. Who is the sixth council woman and the tree fraudster?

Would be interesting to see a detailed breakdown of why itcwould cost $300,000, could a private enity setup an election, that meets all the requirements, for considerably less?

That’s beyond interesting….

Proposing ‘private entity’ to conduct elections for ‘less money’ is subject to more scrutiny that can be comprehended.

“We don’t need no ‘stinking laws”… just let CCN genius commentators dictate how it should be done!

2 years is a long time for an appointment. Beyond money, why not have a vote? The recall triggered this. The costs are voter driven.

The new mayor and city manager may not get the right kind of council member, that’s why. Since this is just a single district, a vote could be held say by having residents in the district go to city hall to vote over even say the next 2 months or so. Costs would be low, so really no real reason not to have a vote.

It’s been pretty brusing for the counsil lately. The cure is open transperency. Denying at the last possible minute is not good governance. It’s manipulation.