New California laws you need to know in 2025
December 28, 2024
Laws permitting cannabis cafes and outdoor drinking are some of the nearly 1,000 laws set to impact Californians in 2025. These are also laws to ban book bans, ban parking near crosswalks and ban forever chemicals in clothing.
Cannabis cafes with food and entertainment
Licensed cannabis lounges in California can sell food and offer ticketed events such as comedy shows and concerts. The plan is to allow cannabis cafes where people can smoke marijuana while also purchasing food and beverages.
Drinking alcohol on public streets, when approved
Local governments can designate “entertainment zones,” where like in New Orleans establishments can sell alcoholic beverages for people to drink on public streets and sidewalks.
Employers can no longer ask to see your driver’s license
Unless you’re looking for a job that requires driving, prospective employers can no longer ask to see your driver’s license.
Another increase in California’s minimum wage
California’s minimum wage is increasing from $16 an hour to $16.50 an hour.
Ban on parking near a crosswalk, for safety
California now bans drivers from parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk or 15 feet in places with curb extensions. In some large cities, this new law is slated to remove thousands of parking spots.
Ban on book bans
At public libraries, the Freedom to Read Act prohibits banning books because of the race, nationality, politics, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, economic or social class of a book’s subject, author or intended audience.
Bans on forever chemicals in clothing, cosmetics
Though many of us did not know, there are dozens harmful chemicals in clothing and cosmetics sold in California. Multiple new laws ban more than two dozen harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and mercury in clothing and cosmetics.
No more medical debt on credit reports
Credit report companies can no longer include medical debt on your credit report. Lawmakers determined medical bills are not something people can control.
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