Santa Maria man arrested for child porn, sex with dog

By JOSH FRIEDMAN Police detectives arrested a Santa Maria man on Thursday for possessing hundreds of files of child pornography, as well as for allegedly engaging in sexual acts with his dog. At about 7 a.m., the Santa Maria Police... (Continue reading)

Deputies arrest Nipomo man after nightlong standoff

By JOSH FRIEDMAN San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a Nipomo man after a nightlong standoff at the suspect’s house. At about 11:30 p.m., a witness reported a disturbance in the 100 block of S. Avocado Avenue in Nipomo.... (Continue reading)

Missing woman’s car found in Morro Bay

By JOSH FRIEDMAN Local officers, along with police from the Central Valley, are searching for a missing woman whose car was found in Morro Bay. Recently, the Tulare Police Department received a missing person report about Tiffany McClure, 49. McClure’s... (Continue reading)

Adam Hill’s tortuous journey to San Luis Obispo County

Editor’s note: This is the first in a four-part series regarding the history of former San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill based on statements and interviews released as part of a federal criminal trial regarding corruption, bribery, and fraud.... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo police investigating alleged hate crime

By KAREN VELIE The San Luis Obispo Police Department investigated a series of suspicious incidents in downtown locations as possible hate crimes on Wednesday. In each incident, an adult male is caught on surveillance cameras affixing burned items to doors... (Continue reading)

Fire burns close to structures east of Paso Robles

By JOSH FRIEDMAN A fire burned five acres east of Paso Robles on Wednesday, coming close to multiple structures and requiring the evacuation of a tortoise. Shortly after 1 p.m., a caller reported the fire burning in the 6600 block... (Continue reading)

Fire burns barn, two trailers near Creston

By JOSH FRIEDMAN A fire burned a barn and two trailers near Creston early Wednesday morning. Shortly after 4 a.m., a caller reported a fire burning along the 5100 block of Creston Valley Road close to Highway 41, according to... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo police searching for hit-and-run driver, two injured

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo police officers are searching for a hit-and-run driver who injured two bicyclists on Tuesday. Shortly before noon, two bicyclists were riding southbound on S. Higuera near the cemetery when a white sedan hit and... (Continue reading)

Man assaults juveniles riding on the sidewalk in Santa Barbara

By KAREN VELIE Santa Barbara police arrested a 65-year-old man who allegedly assaulted two juveniles because they were riding their electric bikes on State Street in the downtown area on July 21. Shortly before 6 p.m., Donald Calvello told a... (Continue reading)

Plans to industrialize Port San Luis in rural Avila Beach moving forward

By KAREN VELIE Plans to transform Port San Luis in rural Avila Beach into an industrial port to support proposed offshore wind farms in Morro Bay are moving forward with the assistance of the Port San Luis Harbor District, though... (Continue reading)