Trump suspends offshore wind energy, Morro Bay projects in peril

January 21, 2025

Floating windmill designs


President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order halting new offshore wind leases in federal waters while pausing current leases, such as the three charters off the coast of Morro Bay.

The order instructs the Secretary of the Interior to examine the ecological, economic, and environmental necessity of terminating or amending any existing wind energy leases. During the assessment, agencies are barred from issuing or renewing approvals, rights of way, permits or loans for both onshore and offshore wind projects.

“The assessment shall consider the environmental impact of onshore and offshore wind projects upon wildlife, including, but not limited to, birds and marine mammals,” according to the executive order. “The assessment shall also consider the economic costs associated with the intermittent generation of electricity and the effect of subsidies on the viability of the wind industry.”

In 2022, the federal government auctioned off three offshore wind energy sites located between 20 and 30 miles off the coast of Morro Bay. The goal was to have the windmills in the water by 2030.

While the majority of San Luis Obispo County residents initially supported the “green energy” projects, sentiments changed as information regarding plans to industrialize Port San Luis near Avila Beach and portions of the Morro Bay waterfront spread through the community.

Industrialization of the proposed Central Coast ports would have significant impacts on the local economy, the fishing industry and the ecosystems. The support systems on land would include massive piers, and could require new breakwaters and dredging.


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Great news!!! I hate windmills… can’t stand the site of them blocking out the beauty of nature and killing birds… rotting away in our California dessert….

A broken clock is right twice a day.

I’m so Grateful!! We were being railroaded by outsiders who could care less about the impact on anything but their own wallets. Now they will have to prove its good for all of us!

Grateful for President Trump’s leadership. Even more grateful for his courage, strength, fight to make America great again. He is our greatest patriot since 1776.

I don’t remember George Washington, John Adams, Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson being convicted felons—must have missed that in American History class.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Now wind proponents will have to actually make their case for all aspects of these projects- no more trying to rush everything through in the cover of darkness.

Unfortunately in modern America, we all must remain skeptical.

In the stark light of day, these “ projects” won’t make it . Too much risk,too much money,not enough return.

Stay vigilant!

No one can tell the consumer the actual unsubsidized cost that they will pay for wind or solar much less the externalities and unintended consequences. Free speech is so needed. Free speech lets us know when we are wrong.

Well, gee, I guess maybe Morro Bay City Council and Dawn Addis ought to revisit the idea of turning the old power plant building into an aquarium, since I think their Plan A has been put on ice.

Good. This project, in my opinion, was shaping up to be Bullet Train meets Gilligan’s Island. Without massive subsidies it makes no economic sense. If Trump can start kicking the Green Grifters in the gooch, repeatedly, I’m here for the show.