Caregiver allegedly rips off San Luis Obispo man, arrested

February 20, 2025


San Luis Obispo police officers arrested a local caregiver and her boyfriend on elder abuse and embezzlement charges on Feb. 8, after they allegedly targeted an elderly man.

A month earlier, a 60-year-old man told officers he was the victim of fraud. The man had discovered several transactions in his bank records that he did not make.

He reported a neighbor, 37-year-old Jessica Hamilton, who was one of his caregivers, had used his debit card for unauthorized cash advances and purchases.

The man had originally given Hamilton his debit card to pick up and pay for medications at his pharmacy. He had suffered a brain injury and was unable to drive. Prior to coming to the station to make the report, the victim canceled the debit card.

Several days later, Hamilton took the victim to the police department and attempted to get him to recant his statement. Before coming to the station, Hamilton took the victim to his bank and attempted to get a replacement debit card issued but was unsuccessful.

During their investigation, officers determined Hamilton and her boyfriend, 37-year-old Rafael Gonzales, had used the victim’s debit card multiple times between Oct. 2024 and Jan. 2025 without permission at business including Skyzone and Chumash Casino. The couple also made $2,217 in unauthorized ATM withdrawals.

Officers booked Hamilton in SLO County Jail on charges of elder abuse, embezzlement, conspiracy and dissuading a witness. Officers booked Gonzales for embezzlement, elder abuse and conspiracy. The suspects were later released on bail.

Both suspects are scheduled for arraignments on Feb. 24.


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These people are the lowest of the low. Anyone who preys on people who are vulnerable whether due to age or disability are despicable. They should not have been let out on bail. The article says she is his neighbor. Now she and her boyfriend are out and free to retaliate against the victim for pressing charges against them. He could very well be in danger as no doubt he will be the main witness against them. Get these two creeps off the street before they hurt him or another new victim. Something is seriously wrong with our criminal justice system.

A lot of expensive stuff went missing when I had in-home care for my Mom. Jewelry, silverware, etc. The loss of her wedding ring was particularly traumatic after my father’s passing.

This is about as low as it gets, and the penalties should be extremely harsh. People work hard their entire lives, and derelict bottom-feeders take advantage of them when they’re at a disadvantage due to age and health? I’m sorry, but prison is too good for creeps like this. Remove them from the gene pool and have done with it.

Elder abuse is a predatory crime, and offenders should be registered for public awareness so that they are not back on the streets promoting their fiduciary talents.

A permanent mark on all types of convicted predators so that all can see who and what they are would be justified.