Five candidates vying to fill the open seat on the San Luis Obispo City Council stated their cases in a forum Tuesday at the San Luis Obispo Senior Center. Former councilman Paul Brown, current county Planning Commissioner Carlyn Christianson, welder... (Continue reading)
Owner of Sunny Acres ranch Dan De Vaul agreed to a legal settlement Tuesday that will allow him to construct a sober living facility for the homeless. [Tribune] The settlement resolves a lawsuit the rancher filed against San Luis Obispo... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo Superior Court judge has ruled against two legal challenges to the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District’s Oceano Dunes dust rule. Judge Charles Crandall rejected the requests made by Friends of Oceano Dunes, an... (Continue reading)
San Luis Coastal Unified School District trustees voted unanimously Tuesday night to slash the budget by $4.2 million by making drastic cuts in jobs and services. [Tribune] The cuts include the elimination of 40 jobs, high school transportation, summer school... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo Superior Court judge tentatively ruled against a lawsuit alleging that the city of Atascadero did not follow environmental laws in the process of approving the construction of a Walmart. [Tribune] Save Atascadero, a group opposed to... (Continue reading)
A loophole in the state’s rape law would be plugged by a proposal from a Democratic legislator which passed the Senate Monday on a 37-0 vote. (Sacramento Bee) The bill by Sen. Doreen Evans of Santa Rosa is similar to... (Continue reading)
There was no smoking gun in a “suspicious” package received by a Nipomo business Monday, and the subsequently suspected bomb turned out to be weed. Employees of the T. Simons Company noted the package contained the company’s return address but... (Continue reading)
A “silent rally” is planned by the Paso Robles Public Educators (PRPE) and students’ parents Tuesday at the district’s board meeting to call attention to ongoing differences with board members and Superintendent Dr. Kathleen McNamera “Instead of raising our voices... (Continue reading)
Nevada health officials have been quietly putting psychiatric patients on buses and shipping them to locales all over the U.S., and California has become a favorite destination, a Sacramento Bee investigation reveals. Health services in Nevada have been drastically reduced... (Continue reading)
A minivan crashed into a parked California Highway Patrol vehicle and another stopped car on the side of Highway 101 Sunday in Nipomo, injuring an officer and those inside the stopped vehicle. [Tribune] Around 12:30 p.m. Sunday, a CHP officer... (Continue reading)